Are you looking for free and confidential guidance for an adult you ’ re supporting ?
Our webchat team can help .
To access our webchat visit www . changegrowlive . org and search ‘ Information for professionals ’.
You ’ ll speak to someone from our online team . They ’ ll introduce themselves and ask for your first name . Then they ’ ll ask you some questions to understand more about the situation .
They ’ ll give you any guidance they think will be helpful to you and let you know about the help and services available for the person you are supporting .
Our webchat is available on : Monday , Tuesday , Thursday , and Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 and on Wednesday from 09:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:00 .
By using our webchat service you agree to our terms of use . See our website for details . Change Grow Live Registered Office : 3rd Floor , Tower Point , 44 North Road , Brighton BN1 1YR . Registered Charity Number 1079327 ( England and Wales ) and SC039861 ( Scotland ). Company Registration Number 3861209 ( England and Wales ).