DDN_November_2024 DDN November 2024 | Page 4


Drug-related deaths increase by more than 10 per cent

There were 5,448 drug poisoning deaths registered in England and Wales last year , according to the latest ONS figures – up 11 per cent on 2022 ’ s figure of 4,907 . More than 3,600 of the deaths were registered as drug misuse , with the highest death rate – as in the last 11 years – found in the North East . Just under half of all deaths involved an opiate , while there was also a huge rise in deaths involving cocaine – more than 30 per cent up on the previous year , at 1,118 . The number of cocaine-related deaths has now risen for 12 consecutive years , ONS states .

Among males , 3,645 drug poisoning deaths were registered in 2023 , compared to just over 1,800 deaths among females . The overall death rate represents 93 per million , which is now double the rate in 2012 . Delays in registration ,
THE NUMBER OF COUNTRIES SUPPORTING HARM REDUCTION in their national policies is higher than ever , according to the latest Global state of harm reduction survey from Harm Reduction International ( HRI ).
There are now 108 countries that include references to it in their policies , says the report , which tracks the availability of services like opioid agonist therapy , needle and syringe programmes and consumption rooms . Ninety-three countries now offer at least one needle and syringe programme , with 94 offering opioid agonist therapy like methadone or buprenorphine – up from 88 in 2022 .
There are also consumption rooms established in 18 countries , however , mean that two thirds of 2023 ’ s deaths actually occurred in previous years , ONS points out . The average age for drug misuse deaths was 44 for men and 47 for women . As the agency as does not have access to post-mortem reports or toxicology results and depends instead on information provided by coroners , the figures for drug misuse and for specific substances will be underestimates , it states .
‘ This devastating loss of life is deeply saddening , unnecessary and unacceptable ,’ said Change Grow Live ’ s deputy chief executive Nic Adamson . ‘ We are at a critical moment , and strongly urge the government to respond to the calls from the Association of Directors of Public Health and Collective Voice to continue its investment in the ten-year national drug strategy .’
While the reasons behind

Growth in harm reduction provision

most recently Columbia and Sierra Leone , while take-home naloxone programmes are available in 34 countries . However Iran , which mentions harm reduction in its national HIV policy , executed nearly 160 people for drug-related offences last year , the document points out .
There are also reports of police arresting people for possession of injecting equipment in Mozambique , which also includes harm reduction in its HIV plan . Long-term sustainability for services could also be at risk , the report warns , with the Open Society Foundations ( OSF ) – once the third largest international funder – halving its support in the last five years .
The global state of harm reduction 2024 at hri . global
' We cannot stop drug-related deaths if people don ’ t have safe places to live , access to health and mental health services ...'
SIMON PHILLIPS the public health crisis were ‘ deep-rooted and complex ’, the government needed to be ‘ brave and bold ’ added With You chief executive Simon Phillips . ‘ Steps to increase the supply and accessibility of naloxone must be implemented as soon as possible , and we want the government to go even further and ensure it is available to all opiate users and their friends and family members too .’
Alongside provision of widespread drug-checking services and consumption rooms , the root causes of the crisis also need to be tackled , he said . ‘ We cannot stop drugrelated deaths if people don ’ t have safe places to live , access to health and mental health services , and a safety net for when they need it .’
Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales : 2023 registrations at www . ons . gov . uk

Young smokers at lowest ever level

JUST 11 PER CENT OF 11 TO 15-YEAR-OLDS HAVE SMOKED AT LEAST ONCE , according to NHS England – the lowest level ever recorded . Three per cent classed themselves as ‘ current smokers ’, with just 1 per cent saying they were regular smokers . However , a quarter had tried a vape , and 9 per cent vape regularly – up from 6 per cent in 2018 – according to the Smoking , drinking and drug use among young people in England report for 2023 .
The proportion of 11-15-year-olds who have ever taken a drug has fallen to 13 per cent from 18 per cent two years ago , with cannabis the drug most likely to have been used . However , 37 per cent said they ’ d had an alcoholic drink , a proportion unchanged since 2021 . Fifteen per cent of 11-year-olds reported having drunk alcohol , rising to more than 60 per cent of 15-year-olds . Eleven per cent of 15-year-olds said they usually drank at least once a week . The results are from an Ipsos UK survey of almost 14,000 secondary school pupils across 185 schools in England .
Smoking , drinking and drug use among young people in England report for 2023 at https :// digital . nhs . uk / See tobacco harm reduction feature page 6 .