AFTER A 20-YEAR BATTLE WITH COCAINE ADDICTION , which ended with my using drugs every single day against my own will , I ' m pleased to say that thanks to regularly attending 12-step meetings , getting a sponsor armed with the facts , and working through and continuing to practise the 12 steps in my life every day , I have now been clean and sober for nearly five years . Moreover , I am happy . |
My life used to be so dark , hostile and full of depression , anger , fear and rage . Today my life is peaceful , vibrant , content and filled with hope and gratitude .
Step 12 states , ' Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps , we tried to carry the message to the still suffering addict and to practise these principles in all of our affairs .’ I have always been a creative
person , but was always too scared of what others would think to actually share my work . Now I ' m using my creativity to practise my Step 12 and share my experience of hope , faith and courage with others .
My dream is for one person to see my comic , to relate to it and to seek out a 12-step meeting for themselves .
If I can recover from addiction one day at a time ,
then so can anybody . There is a podcast on my website ( https :// recovered1440 . com ) – if you ' re struggling then please listen to our stories , see if you can relate and if so , get yourself to a 12-step meeting in your area .
Or get in touch and I will help point you in the right direction as much as I can .
Read Bobby ’ s comic book story at : www . recovered1440 . com / comic-book