DDN March 2022 March 2022 | Page 3


Drink and Drugs News is published by CJ Wellings Ltd , Romney House , School Road , Ashford , Kent TN27 0LT t : 0845 299 3429
Editor : Claire Brown e : claire @ cjwellings . com
Advertising manager : Ian Ralph e : ian @ cjwellings . com
Reporter : David Gilliver e : david @ cjwellings . com
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website : www . drinkanddrugsnews . com
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Cover by : CSA-Printstock / iStock
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The contents of this magazine are the copyright of CJ Wellings Ltd , but do not necessarily represent its views , or those of its partner organisations .


ON THE COVER : Women and online gambling


Crunching the data on death rates


Re-shaping the sector
4 NEWS Naloxone for Police Scotland ; NHS expands gambling clinics
10 BUPRENORPHINE – THE LONG GAME Opportunities and challenges of Buvidal , part three of our series
12 CHEMSEX HARM REDUCTION How do we get the message across ?
16 ALCOHOL-RELATED SUICIDE The power of integrated services
17 A NEW VISION Cranstoun ’ s dynamic harm reduction strategy
20 ‘ WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT ...’ Nick Goldstein tackles attitudes
The heart of the problem

8 18


‘ I ’ ve learnt so much about myself – mainly about my sexuality and to be proud of who I am .’
Darren from The Forward Trust in our Partner Updates at www . drinkanddrugsnews . com
DDN is a self-funded independent publication . Our bespoke partnership packages provide an opportunity to work closely with the magazine . Please get in touch to find out more .

What could we achieve by changing the narrative ?

Looking for an escape from reality drew Kelly into online bingo – a few games that led to an all-consuming gambling addiction and financial and emotional devastation ( page 6 ). This addiction may be ‘ invisible ’ but the drivers can have much in common with any other form of compulsive behaviour that offers us time away from real life .
‘ For many people addiction is a response to trauma that has not been dealt with ,’ Alice Wiseman reminds us ( page 18 ) as she shares a public health perspective that feels like an opportunity to collaborate far more actively with our healthcare partners . We ’ ve grasped the need for ‘ trauma-informed ’ care – but just look at the outcomes we could achieve if we focused our attention in a really robust way on reducing ACEs , as she suggests , changing the narrative from punishing and criminalising to understanding the causes of behaviour .
Looking for the reason for tragedies never makes for easy reading , but The Suicide Prevention Consortium ’ s research on alcohol-related suicidal behaviour ( page 16 ) and Martin Smith ’ s look at causes of drug-related deaths ( page 14 ) are two articles that could have an important role in informing our actions . Claire Brown , editor Keep in touch at www . drinkanddrugsnews . com and @ DDNmagazine