DDN Magazine October 2023 DDN_October_2023 | Page 13

At Gladstones Clinic , a residential detoxification and rehabilitation service in Gloucestershire , where we work with 16- and 17-year-olds alongside the adult cohort , we ’ ve seen a predominance of ketamine use with all of its associated and very painful health issues . We ’ ve also seen a proliferation of young people with very problematic relationships with food . We see , as you would expect , a range of co-morbid mental health conditions , care leavers , those who ’ ve been victims of sexual exploitation and those who are not in education , employment or training ( NEET ).
Young people we ’ ve worked with have been neurodiverse , have had a history of self-harm and suicidal thoughts , have had difficult parental relationships and low self-esteem . Some have a history of offending . We place a great emphasis on addressing behavioural factors and understanding that a pain management personality has developed , and the young person needs support in developing new strategies .
We ’ ve also , thankfully , seen some outstanding outcomes and many young people have gone on to build very successful recovery for themselves . Often , they leave rehab to go into well-selected housing where they become connected to a recovery community and begin to flourish . We find that working with them alongside the adult cohort produces some fantastic intergenerational interactions and far from being a problem , it ’ s a real positive .
at an early stage can help keep a young person out of the criminal justice system and minimise the harm that more long-term drug and alcohol misuse causes to health , social functioning , family life , work prospects and overall quality of life .
In addition , though , as eloquently pointed out by Westminster City Council in their Children and young people drugs strategy 2023-2026 , ‘ We need to challenge the acceptability and glamourisation of drugs and the “ lifestyle ” of being involved with dealing drugs ’. In 2020 alone , referrals of children suspected to be victims of county lines increased by 31 per cent – not a lifestyle choice that is desirable , and one that ’ s often made through coercion and that exposes young people to high levels of risk .
ESSENTIAL CAPACITY The complex nature of mental health presentations means that specialist young people ’ s services must have the capacity to work hand in glove with children and adolescent mental health services , as well as with troubled family teams , social workers and sexual health services . They also
need to have the knowledge to understand , identify and respond to child sexual exploitation and abuse , because of the links to the use of alcohol and drugs .
There were 11,013 young people in contact with tier 2 and 3 ( non-residential ) alcohol and drug services between April 2020 and March 2021 . Cannabis remains the most common substance ( 89 per cent ) for which young people seek treatment .
Around four in ten young people in treatment said they had problems with alcohol . Meanwhile , among 17-yearolds in the UK , one in 10 will have used harder drugs such as ketamine and cocaine , according to University College London research .
FUNDAMENTAL DETERMINANTS Wider determinants of health – such as housing , education and employment opportunities , social support , and personal resilience – are likely to have a fundamental effect on both the risk of drug misuse and the effectiveness of interventions to prevent drug misuse .
The Royal College of Psychiatrists reported that the impact of the COVID pandemic , together with ‘ drastic ’ historical funding cuts , had prevented young people from accessing the
In 2020 alone , referrals of children suspected to be victims of county lines increased by 31 per cent – not a lifestyle choice that is desirable , and one that ’ s often made through coercion and that exposes young people to high levels of risk .
drug and alcohol treatment they need . It said spending on youth addiction services in England had been cut by 41 per cent in real terms since 2013-14 , a fact that Dame Carol Black acknowledged in her independent review . There has been a 55 per cent reduction of the numbers of young people in treatment since the peak in 2008-09 . However , the government ’ s ten-year drug strategy brings with it the prospect of extensive reinvestment in drug and alcohol
treatment , and promises early intervention for young people and families at the greatest risk , including through the Supporting Families Programme .
It sets a target of delivering 5,000 additional treatment places for young people . The government ’ s mental health recovery plan earmarks funding for children ’ s mental health services with the aim that an additional 345,000 children and young people in England will have access to mental health services each year by 2023-24 . In addition , The Youth Investment Fund will be targeted at areas most in need and will provide investment in new safe spaces for young people , so they can access support from youth workers , and enjoy beneficial activities including sports and culture .
Working with younger alcohol and substance users , whether it be in preventative or specialist services can be challenging but extremely rewarding and , as the figures show , there is no shortage of young people out there needing our help . There is no better feeling than seeing a young person successfully complete treatment and go on to flourish in recovery , with the prospect of building an amazing life for themselves .
Stuart Croft is manager of Gladstones Clinic