DDN Magazine March 2023 DDN March_2023 | Page 6




H omelessness is a growing scourge in British society , which the government seems unable – or unwilling – to tackle . People find themselves homeless for a variety of reasons , including mental health challenges , loss of income , and / or substance use .

While many people ’ s ideas of homelessness are based on street homelessness , this is just the tip of the iceberg . According to Shelter , homelessness applies to anyone without a permanent home – the ‘ hidden homeless ’ includes those living in unsuitable or temporary accommodation , in hostels or bed and breakfasts , those temporarily staying with others , or those who are sofa-surfing .
Social Interest Group ( SIG ), as a group of charities , offers a range of integrated support services with an emphasis on prevention , early intervention , integration , and recovery for people at risk of losing – or who have lost – their independence . We offer support
Needs-led , wraparound services are vital to tackling homelessness , says Vanessa Johnson
services , interventions , and opportunities through :
• Supported accommodation – either temporary or longer-stay
projects for up to two years , with onsite staff support to recover from a period of instability , to prepare for independent living , and to offer a safe and secure home to those who need additional support while focusing on resident asset building and becoming active citizens .
• Housing-related floating support – a peripatetic
service offering needs-based individualised support to enable residents to live independently and successfully in their own communities .
• Community-based recovery services – creating communitybased opportunities for residents , members , and volunteers to engage in social , learning and therapeutic activities and groups to develop skills and reintegrate into their communities .
HIDDEN HOMELESS I spoke with Emmeline Irvine , our head of services and specialist lead for homelessness and complex needs . She explained how homelessness is tackled across Luton , where she ’ s based . ‘ Like many of us working across SIG , homelessness is an issue and challenge that is never far from our thoughts at every level – from frontline work to partnership working and our trauma-informed approach to policy and best practice development ,’ she says .
‘ One of my primary locations of concern is Luton , where many of our services are located . More than 3,450 people are homeless in Luton – one in 66 people . Luton has seen a slight decrease in the number of rough sleepers , but our experience suggests that homelessness is becoming more hidden . The cost-ofliving crisis and the lack of affordable housing is only going to further impact the number of people needing support to be accommodated safely in appropriate housing with the right support .’
It is vital to offer needs-led , wraparound support to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness , she stresses , and Housing First is a familiar model to most – ‘ whereby safe and secure accommodation is provided , with no conditions of tenancy , offering people who have experienced homelessness and chronic health issues and have social care needs a stable home from which to rebuild their lives .’
Locally , SIG Penrose is part of the Bedford Homeless Partnership and the Luton Homeless Partnership , and the value of these partnerships is vast , she says . ‘ They can help to challenge myths and stigma around homelessness and provide opportunities for like-minded organisations to work together , along with local authorities , to gather data and insight and find solutions .’
Understanding trauma is also key . ‘ Having a trauma-informed approach is essential , as positive change for people who have experienced homelessness can be a long journey . The links between homelessness and isolation , unemployment , poverty , and mental ill health are well documented and require a truly holistic approach .
BUILDING TRUST ‘ In Luton , we ’ ve been looking at the challenge of people not accepting accommodation where offered – we need to work as a partnership to understand the
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