ONE IN FOUR UK ADULTS are concerned about the potential impact of lockdown easing on their alcohol consumption , according to research by With You . A poll of 2,000 people found ‘ widespread concern ’ about falling back into old drinking habits or shaking off drinking patterns developed during lockdown . The same proportion also said they ’ d be reluctant or embarrassed to seek support for problematic alcohol use , while two thirds wouldn ’ t feel comfortable starting a conversation with a partner , friend or family member if they were worried about their drinking . This is despite one in ten respondents saying that they did have concerns about someone else ’ s drinking . The charity has also launched a new public awareness |
new campaign to help people have ‘ more open , positive ’ conversations about alcohol . ‘ Find the Right Moment ’ includes a video about how to raise the issue of someone ’ s drinking and encourage them to seek appropriate help , as well as a campaign page with links to alcohol support locally or online . ‘ People are understandably worried about how and when to bring up the issue of a loved one ’ s drinking , fearing they could make things worse or be met with anger , but a non-judgemental conversation can make a big difference and be the first step in someone making positive changes ,’ said With You ’ s executive director of services for England , Jon Murray .
Deaths in England and Wales from alcohol-specific causes topped 7,400
last year , according to provisional data from ONS – almost 20 per cent higher than in 2019 and the highest since records began in 2001 . The final quarter of 2020 alone saw 1,963 alcohol-specific deaths , which at 13.6 per 100,000 people is the highest recorded in any single quarter . As in previous years , the death rate was far higher in areas of deprivation , with a male death rate more than four times as high in the most deprived local areas than the least deprived .
Quarterly alcohol-specific deaths in England and Wales : 2001 to 2019 registrations and quarter 1 to quarter 4 2020 provisional registrations at www . ons . gov . uk
Find the Right Moment at www . wearewithyou . org . uk / support-ourwork / find-right-moment
HELPING HAND Edinburgh-based homeless charity Rowan Alba is looking for volunteers to support its CARDS befriending service for isolated people with alcohol issues . ‘ The regular contact that volunteers provide can be both lifechanging and life-saving ,’ said volunteer Paul McCay . Details at rowanalba . org / volunteering-for-cards / |