DDN Magazine July 2023 DDN July_2023 | 页面 5

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MUP cut alcohol deaths by 13 per cent , claims report

The introduction of minimum unit pricing ( MUP ) in Scotland has reduced deaths directly caused by alcohol consumption by 13.4 per cent , according to Public Health Scotland ’ s final report on the subject . It has also cut hospital admissions by 4 per cent , it says , with the most impact seen in the 40 per cent most deprived areas . ‘ There is strong quantitative evidence that MUP was associated with a reduction in deaths wholly attributable to alcohol consumption , relative to England where MUP was not implemented ,’ the report states . ‘ A smaller , and less certain , relative decrease was seen in hospital admissions wholly attributable to alcohol .’

However , the document acknowledges that for people with alcohol dependence there was ‘ limited evidence of any reduction in consumption ’, and some evidence that people with alcohol dependence on low incomes prioritised spending on alcohol over food .
MUP has led to a 3 per cent
MORE THAN 30 LEADING HOMELESSNESS CHARITIES have signed a letter to the prime minister warning that the government is not on track to meet its 2024 target for ending rough sleeping in England . The signatories include Homeless Link , St Mungo ’ s , the National Housing Federation , Cranstoun and others .
The organisations had been encouraged by Rishi Sunak ’ s commitment to the target of ending rough sleeping ‘ despite the economic circumstances ’, the letter states . ‘ However , almost a year down the line , the data shows that we are going backwards in terms of
‘ MUP alone is not enough to address the specific and complex needs of those with alcohol dependence .’
reduction in alcohol consumption at population level as measured by retail sales , the report says . This was particularly driven by the increase in price for off-trade cider and spirits . Despite the introduction of MUP , however , Scotland ’ s alcohol death rate in 2021 was the highest for almost 15 years , at 1,245 .
A recent letter from more than 30 medical organisations and charities warned that Scotland could be ‘ sleep walking ’ back to record levels of alcohol deaths without increased and sustained investment in treatment and action

Government to miss rough sleeping target

meeting the goal .’
The government ’ s ‘ Everyone In ’ strategy during COVID was praised by charities for requiring councils to move everyone sleeping rough – or at risk of sleeping rough – into temporary accommodation , with an August 2021 report from Shelter stating that it showed ‘ just how much can be achieved with the right political will and investment .’ However , rough sleeping actually rose by 26 per cent between 2021 and 2022 , the letter to the prime minister states , the biggest yearon-year percentage rise in almost a decade .
‘ As service providers , we are to tighten marketing regulations ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / scotland-could-be-sleep-walkingback-to-record-alcohol-deaths /).
MUP was implemented at a level of 50p per unit in 2018 , with a ‘ sunset clause ’ in the legislation meaning that it will lapse next year unless the Scottish Parliament votes to renew it . Health campaigners have long argued that the rate should be increased in line with inflation .
‘ MUP alone is not enough to address the specific and complex needs of those with alcohol dependence who will often prioritise alcohol over other needs , and it is important to continue to provide services and any wider support that addresses the root cause of their dependence ,’ said lead for the evaluation of MUP at Public Health Scotland , Clare Beeston .
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland : A synthesis of the evidence at https :// publichealthscotland . scot / publications / evaluating-the-impact-ofminimum-unit-pricing-for-alcohol-inscotland-a-synthesis-of-the-evidence /
seeing these numbers play out on the ground , with more and more people needing our support ,’ it says . The high rate of inflation means that many providers are trying to manage annual shortfalls ‘ in the hundreds of thousands of pounds for commissioned services ’, it adds , with many scaling back services or at risk of closure .
The average age of death for someone experiencing homelessness is 45 for men and 43 for women , the letter points out – according to the Office for National Statistics ( ONS ), almost two in five deaths of homeless people are the result of drug poisoning ( https :// www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / twoin-five-deaths-of-homeless-peopledrug-related /).
Letter at https :// homeless . org . uk / news / 32-homelessness-charities-signletter-to-rishi-sunak /

Local News

LET ’ S CONNECT The RECONNECT Hub in Durham has been officially opened by former prison minister Lord Bradley . The hub provides accessible support – including health , paperwork or even phone-charging – for people leaving prison , and is part of the Reconnected to Health partnership , which includes Tees , Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust , Humankind , and Rethink .
ICONIC SERVICE A new programme to support people with both mental health and substance issues has been praised by Dame Carol Black . The ICoN ( Integrated Co-occurring Needs ) initiative in Staffordshire includes local authority , NHS , voluntary and community sectors in a single approach . ‘ I think it is excellent that Staffordshire has linked this support together ,’ she said .
IT WENT SWIMMINGLY Humankind members took part in the Great North Swim at Lake Windermere last month to raise money for the organisation . ‘ Congratulations to our five inspirational participants ,’ said Humankind ’ s corporate fundraising manager , David Barlow . ‘ The funds raised will directly improve the lives of those we exist to support .’ spectrum-cic . org . uk