DDN Magazine July 2023 DDN July_2023 | Page 24



I noticed a deep sense of calm in myself on the morning of our crosssector event , Social Work in a Changing World . The event was a collaboration between Change Grow Live , Adfam , Addiction Professionals , Collective Voice and The British Association of Social Workers , bringing people together to explore the possibilities of social work , and have conversations on how best to respond to the drug strategy . I had a sense that I was walking into a collective of people who all wanted the same thing – to be able to offer the best social work for people who use services .

Dame Carol Black ’ s recommendation to increase the number of social workers in drug and alcohol services is clear , and the drug strategy also provides
Building strong relationships is at the core of social work , which plays a vital role in supporting people in treatment services , says Ellie Reed . The first article in a new series on social work in a changing world
fresh possibilities around the impact of social workers .
We created the space to have the conversations that mattered – to explore the role of social work , learn , and hear new ideas and diverse perspectives .
We wanted diversity of thought – we wanted to hear the ideas and questions that hadn ’ t been heard before . The invitation for this event went out far and wide , and we gathered as a diverse group – not just social workers but people with lived experience , social work students , policy makers , strategists , regulators , educators and academics . Yet our job titles weren ’ t important – we were there as people who wanted to explore the role of social work in the drug and alcohol sector .
As a collective we crafted questions that were taken into open space discussion groups . Some strong themes were shining through – purpose and professional identity , involving people with lived experience , and offering the best support so that people are truly empowered to make the changes they want .
As we were nearing the end of the day , we spoke about what we wanted to do next . People wanted more connection and conversation , more in-depth exploration of what we ’ d started , sharing of ideas and insights , creating a movement , making a difference , and celebrating social work .
Together we are energised to influence social work developments and changes , to improve what we do , to respond to the changing contexts and to be alongside people . We can share stories of good practice , celebrating the impact the profession has , and promoting a shared understanding of the role for effective collaboration .
We can help to define the social work role in the sector to maximise positive impact for people who use services and wider teams , contributing to the delivery of the drug strategy and Dame Carol Black ’ s recommendations . We want to share our learning and experience , as well explore our way forward , so that we create a social work role that is fit for purpose in our ever-changing landscape .
We reflected on the importance of social work values , skills and knowledge at this time where health and economic inequalities are creating layers of complexity and compounding social exclusion of the poorest people in society . People need us to be alongside them , to listen to their experiences , to be flexible to respond , and most importantly to create meaningful relationships .
There are multiple factors that are shifting the foundations of how we live . People are facing extraordinary challenges . The economic and health inequalities that we see in society now bring a level of complexity that calls for social work values , knowledge , and skills .
I ’ ve met many wonderful new people as a result of arranging this event ; I ’ ve created new relationships and we ’ re having fresh conversations . We are forming a new Social Work Community of Practice , across the sectors , and I ’ m really excited to see where this will lead us – great things can happen .
The economic and health inequalities that we see in society now bring a level of complexity that calls for social work values , knowledge , and skills .
Thanks to everyone who supported the event : Jennifer Condron at Warm Data Wandering , Bec Davison at Rippleshift , Kate Halliday at Addiction Professionals , Viv Evans and Rob Stebbings at Adfam , Luke Geoghegan at BASW , Oliver Standing at Collective Voice , Tom Bailey , and Zac McMaster , Helen Thompson , Danielle Hickey , Rebecca Pettifort and Peter Furlong at Change Grow Live .
If you ’ d like more information on the new Social Work Community of Practice please contact Ellie . Reed @ cgl . org . uk
Ellie Reed is head of social work – principal social worker at Change Grow Live