DDN Magazine April 2023 DDN April_2023 | Page 15

requirements for a person who uses drugs do not apply to us .
OUTDATED TERMS I had some input into the original Hidden harm work . Its title is as outdated as some of the content – using titles like ‘ hidden harm ’ for specific pieces of work or for specific workers has clear implications that you are saying from the start that there is harm . It ’ s hard to move forward positively from this point if it starts from a negative stance . The mothers I work with have told me that this type of thing is what immediately scares them – the title can put them off from engaging and it doesn ’ t really matter what people try to explain about the role or work . They ’ ve already mentally disengaged , run a mile , or remained hidden .
I think that a lot of the roles themselves are often positive , exciting and innovative , but may end up becoming under-used and tokenistic if we can ’ t get the people who need this the most to engage , or if the right workers who understand these intricate and often very demanding and challenging clients and issues aren ’ t employed .
DOUBLE STANDARDS I continually come across double standards and contradictions in relation to mothers who use drugs . We are often accused of putting our children at risk of harm and damaging them , but equally nothing appropriate or realistic is offered – no real tools or therapy are given , or real time invested to help mothers mitigate or deal with their issues . There are no strong cross links with children ’ s mental health services that may be able to provide the type of family therapy needed . We are then blamed and labelled as failures at motherhood when things go wrong , or we aren ’ t seen to comply .
We have complex needs which require complex treatment plans . We need specific and targeted medication and psychosocial help . We need this provided by people who understand the reality of our situations , who are both qualified and onboard with our struggle to come forward and access suitable , sustainable , effective harm reduction services and drug treatment . It ’ s possible . It can work , there can be a positive successful outcome . But it only happens when services and organisations are invested in really wanting to make it work . In thinking outside of the box .
Anna Millington established a non-funded , non-affiliated support network for mothers who use drugs . It seeks to work collaboratively with professionals – on its own terms . annaddition @ gmail . com
We face harsh and complicated barriers when accessing harm reduction services , and we face sterner judgements and discrimination both societally and within professional and peer services .
time limits . We are expected to move quickly through a recovery journey that we cannot choose freely , without the appropriate support needed by us and our children and end up as a fully recovered person as defined by other people . We ’ re told what we must do , what way we must do it and when we must do it by . The consequences for failing any of this can be severe . It can lead to the loss of your children . I really want that to sink in for people . It ’ s a reality . Intentionally or not , the normal expectations and
Motherhood is for life , regardless of whether you have your child with you or not . Those whose children are not in their care appear to somehow lose their motherhood status . Mothers in treatment who don ’ t have their children with them still require appropriate and specific psychosocial help around this .
Where do we fit in ? What is harm reduction for mothers ? What does it look like ? How can we identify and try to reduce the risk and harm if there is any ? How would we assess it ? Can we change the discourse and views on mothers who use drugs so it can instead be used as a motivating positive
factor for engaging in treatment ? Why is this not a topic with any real spotlight ? Why is no one trying to answer these vital and important questions ?
I think many organisations and services remain silent because they think it ’ s impossible to fix . But surely we should try to fix what we can . I don ’ t claim it ’ s easy , I just claim it ’ s needed . I ’ m not asking for the impossible . I ’ m not expecting there to suddenly and easily be some ‘ eureka ’ answers . What I am asking people to do is put it on the table . Discuss it , evaluate it , look at your way of working , service and organisation . It is time to stop ignoring us . We need you onside .