More addiction psychiatry posts and new training curricula for drug and alcohol workers , children and young people ’ s workers , and peer support staff form part of the new ten-year workforce plan launched by OHID and NHS England . New training curricula for the currently unregulated roles will be available by March 2025 , with accredited training two years later . More regulated professionals in the sector will lead to high-quality clinical governance and supervision , the government states , with the addiction psychiatry training posts also available by March 2025 . The national workforce plan – the first of its kind for the drug and alcohol sector – includes one-year , three-year and ten-year
milestones , and builds on the drug strategy ’ s workforce expansion of 800 more medical and mental health professionals , 950 drug and alcohol and criminal justice workers , and more commissioners in every local authority area by the end of 2024-25 . Almost 4,000 additional staff have already been recruited using drug strategy funding , the government adds .
The plan and a forthcoming capability framework will provide the foundation for ‘ better and more consistent training , career progression and longerterm workforce planning ’ the document states , with three overarching priorities of reform , recruit , and ‘ train , develop and retain ’. The plan aims to provide clarity on the roles required to deliver effective services and standardise and accredit training
for drug and alcohol staff , as well as increase the sector ’ s professional mix , attract and retain ‘ more medics , nurses , psychologists , social workers and pharmacists ’ and ‘ significantly improve ’ the quality and coverage of clinical supervision .
‘ I am delighted that the government has delivered on one of the key recommendations from my Independent review of drugs with a new ten-year plan to help rebuild the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce ,’ said Dame Carol Black . ‘ It is imperative that this vital , specialist part of the health workforce has the skills and capacity to help people who are dependent on drugs and alcohol make positive changes to their lives .’ WithYou ’ s head of policy , Robin Pollard , said that while the workforce plan
would help to recruit and retain the skilled staff needed to deliver the government ’ s drug strategy ambitions , this would not be possible without guaranteeing a ‘ sustained long-term investment package ’ for the strategy ’ s duration .
DHSC has also announced plans to allow more police , paramedics , nurses , probation workers and others to provide take-home naloxone without a prescription . The government will ‘ shortly ’ be updating legislation to expand the number of professions and services that can supply naloxone , it says .
Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce programme at https :// www . hee . nhs . uk / our-work / mental-health / drug-alcohol-treatment-recoveryworkforce-programme-0