THE GOVERNMENT INTENDS TO BAN DISPOSABLE VAPES in a move to ‘ protect children ’ s health ’, DHSC has announced . Disposable vapes are a ‘ key driver ’ in the rise in the number of young people vaping , it states , with the proportion of under- 17s using vapes increasing almost ninefold over the last two years . There will also be new restrictions on flavours specifically aimed at children and a move towards ‘ plainer , less visually appealing ’ packaging . Vapes will have to be displayed away from products like confectionary , and the sale of nicotine pouches to children will also be banned .
The announcements form part of the government ’ s response to its eight-week consultation on smoking and vaping , and it has
also re-stated its intention to create a ‘ smoke-free generation ’ by preventing anyone currently aged 15 or under from ever being able to legally buy tobacco ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / government-plans-smokefree-generation /).
Banning disposable vapes when they were ‘ so widely used ’, however , would require strict enforcement to be effective , warned ASH chief executive Deborah Arnott . Illegal vapes were already ‘ flooding the market ’, even before a ban , she stated . ‘ While banning disposables might seem like a straightforward solution to reduce youth vaping , it could have substantial unintended consequences for people who smoke ,’ added Dr Sarah Jackson of UCL ’ s Institute of Epidemiology
Illegal vapes are already flooding the market , even before a ban .
and Health Care . ‘ In the event of a ban , it would be important to encourage current and ex-smokers who use disposables to switch to other types of e-cigarettes rather than going back to just smoking tobacco .’ See tobacco harm reduction feature page 6
THE UK ’ S BORDER FORCE made the highest number of drug seizures on record in the year 2022-23 , according to the latest Home Office figures . There were almost 26,000 seizures , an increase of nearly a quarter on the previous year , involving more than 90 tonnes of illegal drugs – including more than 15 tonnes of cocaine . Almost 3.5 tonnes of cocaine were also seized separately by the police .
Border Force officials have seized at least 9 tonnes of cocaine every year for the last three years , the Home Office states , the result of ‘ bigger intelligenceled seizures ’. Cocaine seizures across Europe are now at record levels , with more than 300 tonnes seized in EU member states in 2021 , according to last year ’ s EMCDDA figures ( DDN July / Aug 2023 , page 4 ). Most cocaine enters the continent via ports such as Antwerp and Rotterdam , and global production of the drug has surged in the post-COVID years – the most recent analysis by UNODC found a 35 per cent increase in coca cultivation between 2020 and 2021 ( DDN , April 2023 , page 5 ).