DDN December 2023 DDN_Dec_2023 | Page 21

When we talk about NSP ‘ coverage ’ we ’ re referring to the definitions used by the World Health Organization ( WHO ):
· the percentage of injections ‘ covered ’ by sterile needles and syringes
· the number of needles and syringes supplied to each injecting drug user per year
· the percentage of injecting drug users in regular contact with an NSP
A higher number in each of these categories means that NSP has greater coverage – a higher number of people are accessing an NSP and are receiving a greater amount of sterile injecting equipment .
The time is right for a renewed focus on improving our coverage rate . We are at a crossroads moment for our sector , with major changes already underway and a general election on the horizon .
difficulty in – or have reluctance to – accessing a service in person . The introduction of integrated recovery services , replacing the tiered models of care approach , has made many people reluctant to engage with NSP services . The one-stop shop approach of integrated care is welcome in many ways , but feedback shows that many people who inject drugs miss the discreet , anonymous approach to NSP provided by open-access tier 2 services .
People want to access NSP in a way that is simple and discreet , and with a degree of separation from conversations they may be having around their substitute prescribing treatment . To support with this , we ’ re working with the harm reduction social enterprise Exchange Supplies to provide people with the service NSP Direct – an online ordering system that allows people to have safer injecting supplies delivered to their home address .
Our NSP Direct offer began as a way of helping people maintain their safer injecting supply during the pandemic , but it ’ s proven to be a wellreceived intervention that we believe has a role to play in expanding NSP coverage more broadly . By supporting people to access NSP in a simple , discreet way that works for them , we can help to break down barriers and reduce harm .
MODEL FOR SUCCESS We also need to ensure that the issue remains at the forefront
of debate and of performance targets for the drug and alcohol sector . If we recognise the crisis , we can plan the response accordingly . This response will be strongest if we work together , as demonstrated by the successful achievements already made as part of the UK ’ s hepatitis C elimination strategy .
Hepatitis C is the most common bloodborne virus affecting people who inject drugs , so we ’ ve welcomed the massive investment in testing and treatment the strategy has ushered in . We ’ ve also welcomed the commitment to partnership working that we ’ ve seen , as providers come together to share learnings , resources , and expertise .
Nowhere is this commitment better demonstrated than in the award-winning work of the Hep C Provider Forum , of which Change Grow Live is proud to be a member . Together , the forum shares knowledge , expertise and resources to collectively work towards the NHS ’ s hepatitis elimination goals .
Never before have providers worked so well together to get this far , and the results are clear to see . Between April 2022 and March 2023 , more than 35,000 people were tested in our services for hepatitis C and other blood-borne viruses , with more than 1,400 of those people going on to access treatment . In that same period , six of our services and two of our hubs achieved the milestone of hepatitis C micro-elimination . This is a
major achievement , but we can only maintain this success with improved , robust harm reduction provision for people who inject drugs .
We want to build on these successes , to ensure that the gains we have made are sustainable , and that more people than ever are able to reduce their risk of harm via NSP . Crucially , we want to do this with your support .
STRONGER TOGETHER The time is right for a renewed focus on improving our coverage rate . We are at a crossroads moment for our sector , with major changes already underway and a general election on the horizon . This gives us the opportunity to reimagine the future and plan our new direction .
The sector must come together to tackle the NSP coverage crisis , taking inspiration from the success of the Hep C Provider Forum . We can look to how different voices came together and galvanised change , and use this example to make sure that safer injecting equipment and harm reduction guidance are available to everyone who needs them .
If you ’ d like to work with us to ensure more people can access the life-saving interventions they need , we ’ d love to hear from you – please get in touch at Peter . Furlong @ cgl . org . uk to find out more about what we can achieve together .
Peter Furlong is national harm reduction lead at Change Grow Live