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Scottish alcohol sales down three per cent since MUP
Minimum unit pricing ( MUP ) led to a 3 per cent net reduction in alcohol sales in Scotland in the three years after its implementation , according to a report from Public Health Scotland ( PHS ) and Glasgow University . The reduction was to off-trade sales , the report states , with ‘ no observed impact ’ on sales in pubs and restaurants .
The report follows PHS research that found the average price of alcohol in Scottish supermarkets rose by nearly 18 per cent after MUP was introduced in 2018 , bringing it in line with the traditionally higher prices of convenience stores and hitting sales of own-brand spirits , strong ciders and multipacks ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / supermarket-alcohol-pricesin-scotland-rose-by-18-per-centafter-mup ). Alcohol-related deaths in Scotland , however , are at their highest level for more than a decade ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / scottish-alcohol-deaths-at-highestlevel-for-13-years ), with a PHS report from earlier in the year finding that MUP was having little effect on dependent drinkers , some of whom were choosing to spend less on food and utilities and more on alcohol ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / mup-having-little-effect-ondependent-and-harmful-drinkers ).
The MUP level of 50p is currently
THE LOOP drug-checking service has been granted charity status by the Charity Commission , the organisation has announced . Earlier this year its new , regular drugchecking service in Bristol became the first of its kind to be licensed by the Home Office ( DDN , June , page 4 ).
The commission undertook a comprehensive review of the organisation ’ s activities and ‘ determined drug checking as a legal and charitable activity in the UK ’, the Loop states . This will help under review , and the Scottish Government is also consulting on increasing the restrictions around alcohol marketing in order to ‘ reduce the appeal of alcohol to our young people ’ – among the proposals are phasing out sponsorship deals , banning alcohol advertising in outdoor public spaces , and reducing in-store promotions ( www . drinkanddrugsnews . com / scotsconsult-on-alcohol-marketing-curbs )
‘ The latest data shows a reduction in per-adult sales of pure alcohol in Scotland at the same time as an increase in England and Wales was observed ,’ said PHS public health intelligence principal Lucie Giles . ‘ We found net reductions in per-adult sales of cider , perry , spirits and beer , and net increases in per-adult sales of fortified wine and wine . Taken together , the overall impact of MUP on total per-adult alcohol sales in Scotland was a 3 per cent net reduction , driven by a reduction in off-trade sales .’
Minimum unit pricing had been ‘ effective ’, added public health minister Maree Todd , a conclusion that took into account factors such as the impact of the pandemic , seasonal variations , household income and comparisons with England and Wales .
‘ Minimum unit pricing is achieving what it set out to do – a reduction in sales overall with a focus
the organisation to further develop its services and reach more people and communities , it says , as well as improving opportunities to secure further funding . The Loop has also appointed a new CEO , Kay Porter , and full-time administrator Ursh Skeet . ' It ’ s an amazing time to join The Loop ; all the continued energy and commitment of so many over the past ten years has enabled us to get to this next stage in our development ,’ said Porter . ‘ The recognition and registration
‘ Minimum unit pricing is achieving what it set out to do .’
on the cheap high-strength alcohol , which is often drunk by people drinking at harmful levels ,’ she said . ‘ Further studies on MUP , including a final evaluation report , which is due next year , will examine how MUP has impacted on alcohol harms .’
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing ( MUP ) on sales-based alcohol consumption in Scotland at three years post-implementation at www . publichealthscotland . scot
Drug-checker Loop gets charity status
' It ’ s an amazing time to join The Loop ...'
as a charity will mean that our health services and the important information we generate through drug checking will now reach more people in more places across the UK , and greatly assist in reducing drugrelated harm .’
Local News
INSIDE HELP A new treatment service for alcohol , drugs and gambling has been launched in HMP Birmingham by Cranstoun , in partnership with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust . ‘ We want to continue to improve care for people and support them away from the criminal justice system to rebuild their lives in our communities ,’ said Cranstoun ’ s assistant director for criminal justice , Arron Owen .
RESPONSIVE RECOVERY The Calderdale Recovery Steps service , which is led by Humankind , has been rated ‘ outstanding ’ by CQC , particularly in the categories of being ‘ caring and responsive ’. The service finds ‘ innovative ways of delivering more joined-up care to clients , particularly those with complex needs ’, CQC states . The rating reflected the ‘ dedication and hard work of our staff ’ said Humankind regional director Emily Todd .
LEAP AHEAD Edinburgh-based LEAP has been able to add an additional eight residential rehab places and four detox places after being granted almost £ 3.3m in Scottish Government funding . ‘ LEAP is a perfect example of good practice in this area , with their three-month holistic programme of therapeutic care ,’ said drugs minister Angela Constance .