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Government confirms compulsory levy to fund gambling treatment

Local News

The government has confirmed its plans to impose a statutory levy on gambling company profits . The compulsory levy will ‘ generate £ 100m for the research , prevention and treatment of gambling harms ,’ says the Department for Culture , Media and Sport ( DCMS ), with half of the money going into the NHS-led gambling treatment system .

The levy , which was first announced in last year ’ s poorly received gambling white paper ( DDN , May 2023 , page 5 ) will be charged to all licensed operators and the money raised will be ringfenced , says DCMS . The government will also introduce stake limits for online slot games , set at £ 5 per spin for over-25s and £ 2 for 18-24-year-olds . Online slots are considered a higher-risk product ‘ associated with large losses , long sessions and binge play ’, DCMS states .
The levy – which will replace the current voluntary arrangement
MORE THAN TWO THIRDS OF THE WORLD ’ S POPULATION can now access safer nicotine products , according to the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2024 : a situation report .
There is ‘ strong evidence ’ of the rising use of these products and corresponding decrease in smoking , at rates ' far exceeding those achieved by tobacco control measures alone ’, the document states . Governments need to recognise this and ‘ seize the opportunity ’ to drive down smoking rates , it adds .
‘ People talk about a war on smoking , a war on nicotine or a war on vapes ,’ said lead author that sees some companies paying ‘ as little as £ 1 a year ’ – will be charged at a set rate of between 0.1 per cent and 1.1 per cent of gross gambling yield ( GGY ) or equivalent , for all holders of a Gambling Commission licence , says DCMS . The new levy system will be subject to formal review within five years .
In addition to the 50 per cent of funding generated going to NHS England – alongside Scottish and Welsh bodies – for a ‘ comprehensive support and treatment system ’, another 30 per cent will go towards prevention activities such as training for frontline staff and public health campaigns . The remaining 20 per cent will go to UK Research and Innovation ( UKRI ) and the Gambling Commission for research to ‘ inform future policy and regulation ’.
The introduction of the ‘ first legally mandated levy will be instrumental in supporting research , raising awareness and
Harry Shapiro . ‘ But you don ’ t conduct a war against inanimate objects . This is a war against people . Those against tobacco harm reduction don ' t want people to use safer nicotine products .
' They ' re putting everything in their path to stop them , to the detriment of public health . And keeping people smoking just keeps more profits flowing to the tobacco industry . Despite the many barriers , we estimate that 140m people around the world are using safer nicotine products . Safer nicotine products are here to stay . Let ’ s hope they are allowed to stub out the cigarette for good .’ reducing the stigma around gambling-related harm ,’ said gambling minister Baroness Twycross .
Meanwhile , Britain ’ s regulations on gambling adverts are among the most lenient ‘ despite having more research on the negative effects of gambling marketing than several other European countries combined ’, says a report commissioned by GambleAware .
The organisation is calling for a pre-watershed ban on broadcast adverts and a ‘ blanket ban across sports ’, alongside mandatory health warnings and tougher restrictions on online marketing . Gambling marketing bans are increasingly becoming the norm in countries like Italy , Spain , Germany and the Netherlands in response to concerns about gamblingrelated harm and ‘ normalisation for young people ’, says the document , which was produced by Ipsos and the University of Bristol . See gambling feature page 10 .

Tobacco harm reduction gathers pace

' You don ’ t conduct a war against inanimate objects . This is a war against people .'
BRISTOL LANDMARK Bristol has now achieved micro-elimination of hep C , BDP has announced . ‘ We have a very clear picture of who has been tested and we can safely say over 90 per cent of people who need treatment are actually accessing it ,’ said BBV nurse Jess Oke . This means people are being cured of hep C , and once this happens they can ’ t pass it on .’
RESIDENTIAL RECOVERY New Paisley and Renfrewshire North MP Alison Taylor visited the Abbeycare residential rehab in Eriskine to meet residents and staff members . ‘ The skilled staff are committed to providing support , sanctuary and the right treatment programmes to help their clients recover from addictions ,’ she said . ‘ Having met clients who have recovered , some who are now volunteering , I can say they really impressed me .’
HAPPY HERTS Resolve , which operates three treatment services across Hertfordshire , has been awarded almost £ 500,000 in lottery funding . The charity also operates a rough sleeper project and a community hub and café . bdp . org . uk