DDN_April_2024 DDN April 2024 | Page 4


‘ Extreme drug-related violence ’ taking its toll on Europe , say EMCDDA and Europol

Extreme drug-related violence in Europe is ‘ putting a strain on local communities and society ’, says a report from EMCDDA and Europol . The vastly profitable drug market across EU countries – estimated to be worth at least EUR 30bn a year – intersects with other organised crime activities like firearms trafficking and money laundering , says EU drug markets : key insights for policy and practice , with the continent occupying a ‘ central position ’ in drug supply and trafficking .

Not only do ‘ huge ’ volumes of cocaine arrive in ports like Antwerp and Rotterdam – with record seizures last year ( DDN , July / August 2023 , page 4 ) – but there is also a growing trend towards cocaine production within the EU itself , the report says . Evidence indicates that Latin American and European networks are collaborating in production involving ‘ the ( rarely detected ) smuggling of large quantities of coca paste and cocaine base to Europe for further processing into cocaine hydrochloride ’. There is also large-scale domestic production of synthetic drugs and cannabis , it adds , with widespread corruption helping to facilitate trafficking .
Some EU member states are now seeing ‘ unprecedented levels ’ drug-related violence , the document says , including kidnappings , killings and torture . While this usually remains between criminal networks , innocent people can also be involved , increasing the ‘ perception of public insecurity ’ alongside corruption ’ s ‘ corrosive effect on the fabric of society ’. Drug gangs rely on corruption across all levels of the market to mitigate risks , it states , including ‘ those posed by the criminal justice system ’ – as well as targeting people with access to key infrastructure such as ports and other logistics hubs .
Based on 2021 data , the EU cannabis market is estimated to be worth EUR 12.1bn annually , cocaine EUR 11.6bn , and heroin EUR 5.2bn , with MDMA and amphetamines together accounting for just over EUR 2bn . Recent shocks to the drugs

Government plans vaping tax

A NEW EXCISE DUTY ON VAPING PRODUCTS will be introduced from 2026 , chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced in the spring budget . The move is to discourage non-smokers from taking up vaping , he said , with rates linked to the level of nicotine in the product – £ 1.00 per 10ml for nicotine-free e-cigarette liquids , £ 2.00 per 10ml for liquids containing up to 10.9mg nicotine per ml , and £ 3.00 per 10ml for liquids containing 11mg or more .
‘ Because vapes can also play a positive role in helping people quit smoking , we will introduce a one-off increase in tobacco duty at the same time to maintain the financial incentive to choose
market , such as COVID , the war in Ukraine and the Taliban ’ s opium ban , have only served to demonstrate how ‘ adaptable , innovative and resilient ’ criminal networks are , says the report – diversifying their methods and changing trafficking routes . European countries need to boost international cooperation , improve the monitoring and analysis of drug-related violence , and prioritise crime prevention policies focused on young people at risk of exploitation and
vaping over smoking ,’ he stated .
The additional increase in tobacco tax was welcome , as keeping vaping cheaper than smoking was ‘ vital to encourage smokers trying to quit to switch to vapes ’ – the most effective over-the-counter stop smoking aid available , said ASH chief executive Deborah Arnott . ‘ However , it ’ s smokers and those trying to quit and stay quit who will be paying these extra taxes ’, she stated , so the money should be ‘ used to plug the cuts in prevention measures and help the government achieve its smokefree 2030 ambition .’
‘ Violence and corruption , long witnessed in more traditional drug-producing countries , are now increasingly seen within the EU .’
recruitment by drug networks , the document urges .
' Violence and corruption , long witnessed in more traditional drug-producing countries , are now increasingly seen within the EU ,’ said EMCDDA director Alexis Goosdeel . ‘ Violence can occur at all levels of the market . It is both a by-product and facilitator of the drugs trade .'
Report at https :// www . emcdda . europa . eu / publications / eu-drugmarkets / analysis-key-insightspolicy-and-practice _ en
Money should be ‘ used to plug the cuts in prevention measures and help the government achieve its smokefree 2030 ambition ’.
DEBORAH ARNOTT emcdda . europa . eu