DDN_April_2024 DDN April 2024 | Page 24

Hailshadow / iStock
‘ The focus on access to testing and of course the increased rollout of naloxone must be at the forefront of the campaign to try and stem the potential spike in deaths that the increased prevalence of synthetic opioids will inevitably result in . ’
I am writing to express my appreciation for the work that DDN is doing to raise awareness about the dangers of nitazenes . Your recent coverage highlighting this incredibly dangerous issue and your promotion of the resources and campaigns by organisations such as HIT and Release has been invaluable .
The focus on access to testing and of course the increased rollout of naloxone must be at the forefront of the campaign to try and stem
the potential spike in deaths that the increased prevalence of synthetic opioids will inevitably result in .
I believe that we as a sector also need to work hard to raise awareness of the dangers of cross-contamination and illegal vapes . While the risk is far less in these products than that faced by injecting drug users , this group of ‘ social drug takers ’ are less likely to engage with services and their harm reduction messaging . Crucially they are unlikely to have access to drug testing and to be carrying naloxone .
I know work is being done in this area such as the launch of the Loop ’ s testing service in Bristol , the Nalofly app that was featured in the last issue of DDN and not least the tireless Judith Yates profiling the issue across the national media , but coordinated publicity highlighting the risks in a nonjudgemental way , which avoids hysteria and the mistakes of previous ‘ just say no ’ style campaigns , is essential . Ben Oliver , by email
I ’ m finding your recent career profiles very interesting , particularly last issue ’ s insight into working in a prison . ( DDN , March , p22 ). Thank you to the team for sharing their experiences – I loved their attitude . We talk about the one-way traffic of people into prison but there ’ s a world of opportunity for people wanting to embrace recovery instead of being drawn deeper into drug supply chains and addiction . Learning life skills , and having the motivation , wellbeing and peer support offered through group sessions are essential to carving out a new way of life .
I hope that such positive and life-transforming work is not restricted to a handful of prisons whose governance acknowledges that they must partner with treatment experts . The DARS work surely holds the key to rehabilitation . Emily Sayer , by email
Recovery Cymru : Family and Friends Peer Support
Recovery Cymru ' s Family and Friends programme provides a safe , confidential space for anyone affectedby someone else ' s substance use or recovery , fostering connection and offering peer support without judgement .
Connect :
With others with similar experiences , knowyou are not alone and have some time for you .
Support :
Embrace the power of peer support , sharing aconfidentialspace with no judgement .
Inform :
We are really excited to have recently launched our longplanned Recovery Cymru Family and Friends peer support programme for those affected by someone else ’ s alcohol or other drug use . Led by our members and peer staff we have started by running a support group on Sunday evenings in the recovery centre and an online lunchtime group on Thursdays . We also offer 1:1 support and are starting to network and work with others locally . We aim to connect , support and inform , creating a safe confidential space for family and friends , all peer-led and community focused .
As part of the project we want to connect with others
Knowledgeispower ! Learn about substance use and recovery , sharingtools , techniques , and experiences to navigate your situation .
1:1 Support
In person
Interested in Support ?
02920 227 019 - 07944 851 050
familyandfriends @ recoverycymru . org . uk
www . recoverycymru . org . uk
Recovery Centre , 218 Cowbridge
Road East , CF5 1GX
– professionals , referrers , supporters , researchers and members of the general public – to help shape the programme to best understand and reach people who could benefit . Together we aim to raise awareness of the experiences and needs of family and friends , challenge stigma and encourage people to seek support if it can be useful . We also want to champion the hope and positivity of recovery for their loved ones .
We are considering setting up a steering or networking group for those offering or championing family and friends work locally , and to join with others with a national focus in Wales .
Please get in touch if you ’ d like to connect or be involved ! Sarah Vaile and the Recovery Cymru team
DDN welcomes all your comments . Please email the editor , claire @ cjwellings . com , join any of the conversations on our Facebook page , or send letters to DDN , CJ Wellings Ltd , Romney House , School Road , Ashford , Kent TN27 0LT . Longer comments and letters may be edited for space or clarity .
/ ddnmagazine @ ddnmagazine www . drinkanddrugsnews . com
Are you concerned about someone else ’ s substance use ?
Open access recovery centre