DDN April 2021 Aprl 2021 | страница 3

Substance Misuse Personnel Permanent • Temporary • Consultancy


Drink and Drugs News is published by CJ Wellings Ltd , Romney House , School Road , Ashford , Kent TN27 0LT t : 0845 299 3429
Editor : Claire Brown e : claire @ cjwellings . com
Advertising manager : Ian Ralph e : ian @ cjwellings . com
Reporter : David Gilliver e : david @ cjwellings . com
Designer : Jez Tucker e : jez @ cjwellings . com
Subscriptions : e : subs @ cjwellings . com
website : www . drinkanddrugsnews . com
Website support by wiredupwales . com
Printed on environmentally friendly paper by the Manson Group Ltd
Cover by : bowie15 / iStock
CJ Wellings Ltd does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers .
The contents of this magazine are the copyright of CJ Wellings Ltd , but do not necessarily represent its views , or those of its partner organisations .


ON THE COVER : Buying alcohol for at-risk individuals during lockdown


couples therapy for alcohol dependence


The final steps towards hep C elimination will be the hardest
4 NEWS Urgent funding needed for young people ’ s services ; homelessness increases BBV risk
10 LETTERS & COMMENT Hep C challenge to GPs ; are SU forums being ignored ?; thoughts on trauma and DV
14 PARLIAMENT New approach to policing 15 WRITE IT DOWN ! A journal for recovery
16 BANNING BENZOS Bill Nelles warns against dangerous practice
18 VIRTUAL REALITY Online support 19 REACHING OUT through live chat
Why the fight against stigma must go up a gear

8 12

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A brave idea with tangible results

The idea of buying alcohol for people with severe dependence might seem a strange one to many . The outreach team in Bristol ( p6 ) are well enough tuned to harm reduction to know that their life-saving actions during lockdown have opened up many opportunities . It ’ s a brave idea and the tangible results of their initiative speak for themselves .
Practitioners know what works – as do many senior figures in police and criminal justice . On the eve of his retirement , PCC David Jamieson reiterated his plea for change to parliamentarians , backed by a clear set of recommendations that are being shown to save lives . Are politicians appreciating the fact that these measures are supremely cost effective in protecting the public and saving money – as well as the lives of so many vulnerable people ? What more can we do to get the message across ?
Tackling stigma is a very obvious part of this ( p12 ), and we can all do our bit . It ’ s not just about minding language , but about mutual respect , being wary of making assumptions , and keeping an open mind – from treatment options to considering new ideas . We hope this month ’ s issue gives food for thought and look forward to your views .
Claire Brown , editor Keep in touch at www . drinkanddrugsnews . com and @ DDNmagazine