DDN April 2019 DDN April 2019 | Page 7

More recovery models at: www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Hope and optimism about the future Above: (left to right): Stuart Green, service manager, Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service; Professor David Best, Sheffield Hallam University; Linda Nilsson, City of Gothenburg development manager; and Mulka Nisic, Recovered Users Network (RUN). Above right: Beginning the process of recruiting community connectors at the Recovery Cities event in Gothenburg, Sweden. Sobar – could be a way to foster this. A recovery café is a social place where people can support each other in their recovery journey. Because the café aims to promote social integration and broaden social networks, it is open to everyone – people in recovery, volunteers and the general public. Activities such as social and hobby groups, recovery-support groups and training programmes to become recovery coaches are also regularly organised. An inclusive city also has a focus on meaningful life and social roles, such as access to meaningful jobs. A city could therefore work together with employers to foster certain skills, promote apprenticeships and create access to worthwhile employment, and inspiration for setting up such an initiative can be found in Blackpool’s Jobs, Friends and Houses project. S o, how do you become an inclusive city? It’s a process that takes time, and even small steps – mostly focusing on making recovery visible in the community by raising public awareness – are steps in the right direction. The role of the community could include the provision of mutual aid, peer support and educational campaigns, establishing inter-sectoral partnerships to promote social inclusion, carrying out activities and setting up structures to change attitudes and reduce stigma, providing incentives for employers to employ people in recovery, and implementing anti-discrimination policy. Our initiative is an indication that there is a growing momentum that we are tapping into and bringing together from its disparate roots. Of course, no plan for inclusive cities can have any chance of acceptance and implementation without a positive mind-set and the buy-in of key stakeholders involved in local government and local community connectors – the ‘go-to people’ who live there. So the first step is bringing together key people from organisations responsible for employment, housing and social welfare in each city to make an overview of existing practices (community asset mapping), as well as to identify current gaps. They will also define the city’s mission, vision statement and related – short- term as well as long-term – goals and actions to support recovery, in line with the www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Connectedness The CHIME model Identity available resources Meaning and the Empowerment people’s needs. in life People in recovery, as well as their families, will be included in defining these actions, leading to services being tailored to their needs. The second step is implementing the identified actions, while monitoring and evaluating the process. A recent recovery cities event in Sweden hosted by the City of Gothenburg began a process of recruiting community connectors, key citizens and early adopters to support this process in the local delivery of well-connected recovery communities. Inclusive cities was also presented at a ‘recovery cities’ side event at the recent Commission on Narcotics Drugs (CND) in Austria. The event highlighted the advantages of joint cooperation and partnerships, with the CND seeing more than 2,400 participants from 140 countries. By building a learning set of cities across Europe, the idea of inclusive cities can be implemented and tested in practice. When several cities engage with the idea of inclusive cities, ingredients and – hopefully – good practices to improve social justice and community engagement can be shared. The full published paper is available at:- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/16066359.2018.1520223 Ted Talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKTbAZCF4e0 David Best is professor of criminology at Sheffield Hallam University Charlotte Colman is professor in drug policy and criminal policy at Ghent University Stuart Green is service manger at Doncaster Aspire April 2019 | drinkanddrugsnews | 7