Promotional feature
With their roots in harm reduction services, Kaleidoscope Project provide both community and
residential drug and alcohol treatment. Their new 20-bed detoxification unit in Merseyside
continues their tradition of providing life-changing support for every individual.
Reflection of hope
or the last 49 years Kaleidoscope has
worked with some of the most
marginalised clients with the highest
need,’ explains chief executive Martin
Blakebrough. So when the opportunity came
up to incorporate Arch Initiatives into the
Kaleidoscope family and add to the residential
detox facilities at Birchwood House, it seemed
a logical step for the organisation.
The move was never part of an attempt to
become ‘the next big player’, Blakebrough
emphasises, but rather a natural progression
for Kaleidoscope. ‘Running Birchwood
provides a chance to develop a bespoke
inpatient treatment facility. A place that can
support a broad range of clients, including
those with complex needs.’
To achieve this, it was important to have
the right team in place, which Blakebrough is
confident about. ‘In Kaleidoscope executive
lead, Rondine Molinaro we have someone who
is passionate and knows what is required, but
is looking to learn from the latest research
and thinking,’ he says. ‘And our clinical team
of full-time NMPs and substance misuse
nurses working alongside both a GP and a
consultant psychiatrist allows us to accept
people with significant difficulties.’
The unit at Birchwood comprises 20 single
occupancy bedrooms, including three on the
lower floor for those with specific
requirements or mobility issues. The service is
for both men and women, including pregnant
women and those with complex needs. The
newly refurbished rooms and the superb on-
site catering help to create that ‘home away
from home’ feel that provides the right
therapeutic atmosphere for clients’ treatment.
‘Within Birchwood we offer a flexible,
individually tailored treatment regime, by
carefully screening all potential admissions to
ensure that we can safely assist the withdrawal
of substances,’ explains Birchwood’s clinical
director, Dr Mohan De Silva. ‘Medical screening
is done by a doctor. We look at GP medical
history, previous hospital letters, any previous
detox experiences, current medication and
recent blood investigations. Having as complete
a history as possible enables us to build a
picture of the health of the patient and ensure
their safety while at Birchwood.’
A range of programmes are offered for
provides a
chance to
develop a
facility that
can support
a range of
to achieve
this, it was
important to
have the right
team in place.’
opiates, NSPs, stimulants, prescription
medications and alcohol. These include a rapid
five to seven day detox programme for
individuals requiring urgent detoxification, a
three to four day stabilisation and
detoxification initiation that will be continued
in a community setting, and both standard and
complex detoxification programmes that can
last between seven and 21 days, depending on
the needs of the client. In addition, alternative
regimes for alcohol detoxification can be
offered, which are non-benzodiazepine based.
‘Having an experienced clinical team on
site allows Birchwood to offer this range of
interventions,’ says consultant psychiatrist,
Dr Julia Lewis from Pulse Addictions. ‘As well as
working with them to develop their clinical
policies and procedures, I provide regular
clinical supervision to their permanent team of
experienced nursing staff who are committed
to continuous service improvement. The aim of
everyone involved in Birchwood is to ensure
that the treatment on offer is safe, effective
and meets the needs of the client.’
The client-centred approach goes beyond
detox, and a range of mutual aid packages
are offered, including 12-step, SMART
Recovery, and access to the Life Ring service.
In addition a weekly health clinic is available
to identify wider healthcare issues and other
chronic conditions that may have been
masked by a client’s drug taking.
The client-centred approach is something
that Rondine Molinaro hopes to take beyond
treatment provision to the running of
Birchwood itself, with a long-term aim to
transform it into a social enterprise. This
would create the opportunity to provide a
free detox space each month to someone
who is unable to access funding through
conventional means – ‘someone who may
need another chance,’ she says.
Central to Kaleidoscope’s culture is an
understanding that detox is not a miracle
cure, and for many clients may be just part of
their journey – an ethos underlined by
equipping clients with relapse prevention
training, RPM medication, and take-home
naloxone on leaving the facility.
What is very clearly on offer at Birchwood is
the opportunity for people to reset their lives
and make fundamental changes. ‘While this is
not a one-fix-wonder, hopefully it can inspire
people to live life better,’ says Blakebrough.
Birchwood House residential treatment centre welcomes referrals from a
range of clients including statutory, criminal justice and private clients.
To find out more please contact executive lead, Rondine Molinaro on
07773 211461 or email [email protected]
April 2017 | drinkanddrugsnews | 21