D&D Mini Models February 2013 | Page 14

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: Tell me a little about you.

Cuppycake: Well my favorite color is teal.

Cuppycake: We have an IMVU pet kitty.

Cuppycake: We as in my family? Cake and I have kids.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: kk

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: What’s her name?

Cuppycake: BellaMia ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: Cake is your husband?

Cuppycake: Yes.

Cuppycake: Cuppy and Cake are dev accts, we are adults.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: Cuppy, what do you like most about fashion design?

Cuppycake: hmm

Cuppycake: My favorite thing about making clothing is the fact that people appreciate all the hard work and time I take out of my day to make those things. There has been many times when I wanted to give up but, I had all my supporters around reminding me that I was needed.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿, that is very important to have caring people around you to keep you focus and motivated.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: I know your hubby was a big part of that >‿‿◕

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: How would you describe your fashion design style?

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: What kind of kids would you say they are geared for?

Cuppycake: Hmm…

Cuppycake: I think I’m an all around developer.

Cuppycake: I derive different styles of kids clothing that appeal to the masses.

Cuppycake: From girly to urban.

Cuppycake: I also do mother/daughter looks and I derive boys wear.

Cuppycake: I enjoy the challenge

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: What/who inspirers you?

Cuppycake: Hmm… Good question.

Cuppycake: My real life daughter is who inspires me to be who I am.

Cuppycake: If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am right now deriving kid clothing.

Cuppycake: lol

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: ◕‿◕ sweet

Cuppycake: ii

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: Kids love your fashion, what words of inspiration would you give to the young fashionistas?

Cuppycake: Never give up especially with creating. Be yourself and never let others discourage you from your work.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: awesome

Cuppycake: ii

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: T hank you that was great!

Cuppycake: Thank you for making time for me.

ChelseaSwaggasTouch: No, thank you XD. I appreciate it.
