A disproportionate number of supervisees are dealing with substance use issues , which is one of the primary criminogenic needs directly related to recidivism . Thus , DCS offers an array of direct services to help people with addiction . Two of these services are Day Reporting Centers and the Matrix Recovery Program .
Day Reporting Center Program Assessment Tool ( DRC-PAT )
Since 2002 , DCS has provided evidence-based behavioral health services through DRCs , including community supervision , cognitive behavioral therapy ( i . e ., Moral Reconation Therapy ), addiction treatment , and psychosocial interventions ( e . g ., GED , vocational training , and family reunification services ). Given the scope of services provided , there was a need to assess the quality of DRCs to ensure they are implemented in accordance with research . For this reason , we developed the DRC-PAT as a validated instrument for evaluating program quality across all DRCs .
Research Partner Orion Mowbray , University of Georgia
Using Machine Learning to Predict Substance Use Treatment Outcomes in Probation and Parole
We are analyzing administrative data to examine the features that predict substance use treatment outcomes among Matrix and DRC participants .
Research Partner Frances Chen , GSU