DCS Strategic Plan 2022 | Page 6

Goal 1 Continued ...
Measurable Objective
M . O . 4 - Increase the percentage of Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs ) reaching targets from 33 % in FY 2021 to 67 % by the end of FY 2022 and 100 % by the end of FY 2023 .
Strategy / Strategy Description
Strategy 6 - Modify the supervision model ( i . e ., Person- Centered Supervision ) to maximize resources and promote success among supervisees .
To maximize resources and promote success among supervisees , DCS conceptualized the Person-Centered Supervision model . By leveraging technology and research , we expanded the use of ' High Risk ' supervision , focused on frontloading resources , and incorporated a goal-based component to reporting requirements . This model represents our commitment to recognizing people as unique individuals with their own strengths , needs , and goals . This is why we formally removed negative labels and started soliciting meaningful feedback on supervision experiences . We messaged the new model to employees and stakeholders , revised policies and procedures to reflect changes , and developed technological tools to support it . Moving forward , our District Directors and Coordinating Chiefs will utilize the ' Executive Dashboard ' to facilitate strategic discussions on improving the implementation of evidence-based practices at the local level . Currently , DCS is reaching 3 out of 9 ( 33 %) Key Performance Indicator ( KPI ) targets . See Strategy 17 for more information on how the ' Executive Dashboard ' reflects the success of Person-Centered Supervision .
Strategy 7 - Institute a ' Supervisee Portal ' to offer selfservice options for accessing pertinent information , automating processes , and enhancing communication .
The ' Supervisee Portal ' is a strategic initiative for simultaneously improving service delivery while increasing agency efficiency . This technological solution provides supervisees with a convenient option for accessing their case information and communicating with DCS through a self-service web portal . By automating supervisees ' access to this information , officers will have more time to focus on tasks more closely related to their core mission . Phase 1 will deploy in January of 2022 . The second phase will add a virtual option for intakes .
On Target
Strategy 8 - Upgrade the DCS Performance Measurement System to further promote KPIs at the team and individuals levels by including ( 1 ) a DCS Leaderboard and ( 2 ) Personalized Notifications .
The DCS Performance Measurement System consists of nine KPIs for evaluating the overall success of our Person-Centered Supervision model . These critical metrics cover an array of areas : ( 1 ) Employment ( 2 ) Addiction ( 3 ) Homelessness ( 4 ) Mental Health ( 5 ) Education ( 6 ) Restitution ( 7 ) Supervision Technique ( 8 ) Community Supervision and ( 9 ) Interaction Frequency . To support the efforts of officers and line-level supervisors , we have started planning two new features . First , we will launch a ' DCS Leaderboard ' that ranks judicial circuits by their collective performance . By introducing a competitive element , we hope to enhance team camaraderie around KPIs . Second , officers will start receiving ' Personalized Notifications ' regarding their performance in these critical areas . With a working feedback mechanism , we can provide positive reinforcement for the activities that represent the success of Person-Centered Supervision .
Georgia DCS | Strategic Plan 2022 05