Commissioner ' s Greetings
I am both excited and humbled to present the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report for the Georgia Department of Community Supervision . This report encapsulates our agency ' s dedication , progress , and achievements over the past year , reflecting our commitment to fostering safer communities while promoting the successful reintegration of individuals under our supervision .
In this year ' s report , you will find comprehensive information about our agency ' s initiatives , programs , and outcomes . We have strived to provide an indepth analysis of our efforts , successes , challenges , and future goals , offering stakeholders , policymakers , and the public a transparent view of our activities .
Throughout the report , you will discover the significant milestones we have achieved in our mission to enhance public safety and support the individuals entrusted to our care . It includes detailed statistics , relevant research , and success stories that highlight the impact of our various programs , such as reentry services , research and professional contributions , and community outreach efforts .
Furthermore , the report outlines our financial performance , demonstrating our commitment to responsible fiscal management and the prudent use of public resources . We believe that being accountable for the funds entrusted to us is essential in maintaining the public ' s trust and confidence in our agency .
I encourage you to explore the report thoroughly , as it not only showcases our accomplishments but also serves as a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team members , partners , and stakeholders . Accordingly , and perhaps most importantly ,
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the men and women who comprise Team DCS . Without a doubt , it is because of these devoted public servants that we are able to make such a tremendous impact in communities across Georgia .
The entire DCS team remains deeply grateful for the ongoing support and collaboration that have made our achievements possible . I look forward to even greater accomplishments and further realizing our vision of remaining a national leader in community supervision .
Michael W . Nail