Employee Success Propels our Mission Forward
GA Department of Community Supervision
Annual Report FY 2023
Employee Success Propels our Mission Forward
Without a doubt our greatest asset are the men and women who give of themselves every day to make a difference . The DCS Team is composed of dedicated individuals who are committed to public service . Our organization strives to operate in the best interests of both DCS and our employees by applying industry best standards , offering constant tips and reminders , and implementing the feedback received from employee engagement surveys . In doing so , our Human Resources team and other Central Office employees ensure we do all we can to strengthen the emphasis we place on work-life balance .
# TeamDCS
DCS employees
Of this total , 1,310 were Sworn officers and 578 were Non-sworn . Community Supervision Officers made up the majority of our team at 50.15 % concluding Fiscal Year 2023 .
Behavioral Health Counselors 2.9 %
Other Unsworn Positions 20.2 %
Centralized Agency Administration 14.4 %
Sworn Positions 59.4 %