Department of Community Supervion
Housing Success Story —
Mr . Sherome Gordon was released from the Bacon Transitional Center on April 1 , 2021 , after serving a 9 years sentence . This was Mr . Gordon third time being incarcerated . He is now a resident of Empowering Men and Women On The Move for Re-entry Inc ., Supportive Housing Program . On April 2 , 2021 , Mr . Gordon opened a Bank account at Wells Fargo Bank . He is also employed full-time through First Step Staffing ( April 9 , 2021 ) and earning $ 17.50 per hour . Mr . Gordon enrolled / completed Career Apprenticeship Forklifting Training July 23 , 2021 through Urban League Atlanta . Mr . Gordon currently has his CDL Learner Permit and will be completing CDL class through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act . Mr . Gordon has proven himself to be hard-working , motivated , focused and determined . He is reintegrating back into society in a very productive and effective manner . Mr . Gordon is still resident at Empowering Men and Women On The Move for Re-entry Inc . and plans to move into his own place soon .
Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry ( THOR ) —
THOR is a public directory of community-based housing for persons releasing from prison or on probation or parole . To locate and view the directory , go to dcs . ga . gov , click on " Reentry Services " then " Housing Resources ".
THOR Facilities
With select housing providors that are able to serve those who under DCS supervision .