About Us
Commissioner ' s Greetings
Commissioner Nail
I am especially honored to present this annual report as it chronicles and celebrates the Department of Community Supervision ’ s latest year of operation .
Fiscal Year 2020 marked 5 years of service to our State and I could not be more proud of the hardworking men and women who have tirelessly contributed their efforts to move DCS forward . As I reflect on our accomplishments , I am humbled by the lives our work has positively impacted and the difference our work has made in communities across Georgia . Our goals were lofty and our vision was bold ; however , our resolve was stronger and we have witnessed unimaginable success .
The course we charted for this year aimed to expand upon our mission through innovation , selfless service , and creating additional efficiencies . Like many Departments , many new goals we intended to pursue were impacted by the global public health emergency . However , our commitment to leveraging innovative technology to effectuate positive change in the lives of offenders , their families , and communities across Georgia enabled DCS to face many Covid-related disruptions with a great level of operational preparedness . In achieving progress this year we found that the virtual environment exposed DCS to new opportunities- not an entirely new normal .
Adopting a new supervision philosophy , successfully implementing employee wellness and engagement initiatives , and evaluating our core programming were significant accomplishments that pushed the DCS team forward this year . Looking ahead , DCS will continue strengthening community supervision in Georgia through an evidence-based , community-focused , and holistic approach . We recognize that this is not accomplished in the short term , alone , or with simple one size fits all solutions .
We are committed to a multi-year application of expert recommendations , continued building of partnerships with stakeholders , and implementing a variety of innovative strategies that , in conjunction , are expected to reduce recidivism while providing the best opportunities for positive change .
This report serves as a recap of our progress and serves as a testament to the devoted efforts of all those who comprise Team DCS
Michael W . Nail Commissioner