Department of Community Supervion
■ Every Community Supervision Officer has been outfitted with a body-worn camera device to maintain trust and transparency with the public and those we supervise .
■ The Reentry Services Division has made 7,282 placements and direct housing and employment connections to offenders in need of essential services .
■ Instituted a Behavioral Incentive Date provision which limits the length of probation terms for certain people who demonstrate successful compliance with supervision .
■ DCS has graduated 5,767 Day Reporting Center participants . These graduates received intense programming to replace criminal behaviors and attitudes with pro-social alternatives .
■ The Misdemeanor Probation Oversight Unit has convened numerous provider trainings with a total of 2,338 attendees and conducted 202 compliance audits to protect both the rights of minor offenders and the integrity of Georgia ' s court system .
■ Launched a Blended Training Model whereby Basic Community Supervision Officer Cadets complete a combination of on-site , on-ground , or on-campus training and online academic courses . This was a first-time accomplishment for a state-level law enforcement agency .
■ DCS implemented a Court Specialist position which led to a reduction in caseloads allowing officers to spend more time supervising high-risk offenders .
■ 100 % of Community Supervision Officers have been trained using the Enhanced Supervision Program which is a set of evidence-based supervision techniques .
" We were not afraid to try new ways to approach our business . We challenged the status quo and sought to advance not just what we know , but what we believe will work better "
Scott Maurer Assisstant . Commissioner