Special Operations Security
Detail for Super Bowl LIII
We are so proud all of the DCS
family that assisted with the
Superbowl LIII Security Detail,
especially James Bergman, Kent
Young, Pam Thrift, and Jerminique
Hunt for laying the groundwork
and implementing the operation.
“The word of the week was
flexibility,” said Young when asked to
describe his experience managing
the superbowl operation. “We
started planning this in May of
2018, and after an all call for
volunteers we ended up having a
total of 327 people working over
the ten period.”
This special operation was possible
through collaboration with GEMA/
Homeland Security, Georgia State
Patrol, Department of Natural
Resources, DOC, DCS, and GDC.
Throughout the week of the
Superbowl, District two and District
eight IRT teams provided security
for the NFL Commissioner's Press
Conference and the Public Safety
Press Conference. The Department
of Homeland Security Secretary
Kirstjen Nielsen and many other
state agency heads, VIP’s and
Dignitaries were in attendance.
Other ways DCS assisted with SBLII
included helping lost children,
keeping an eye out for suspicious
or abandoned packages, crowd
control with upset patrons, and an
assault on Freddie Falcon.
DCS was the largest agency in
attendance at the Superbowl.
“GWCC Police again sang praises
of the caliber officers we employ,”
said Young.