Our reentry services prioritize meeting returning citizens’ basic needs—such as connecting offenders to job training
in high-demand skilled trades—so that they have the best chance of thriving in their communities post-release.
The goal of GA-PRI is to improve public safety by increasing the odds of successful reentry for Georgians leaving prison. This is
accomplished by providing those leaving prison with a seamless plan of services and supervision that begins at the time of their
incarceration and continues throughout the individual’s reentry into the community. As GA-PRI enters its fourth year, we continue to
build on its initial success with the eventual goal of providing statewide coverage.
GA-PRI offers opportunities to improve reentry policy, infrastructure, and resource delivery by providing governmental, community, and
faith-based agencies and organizations deeper insight into the causes and drivers of recidivism and the methodologies that address
them. The multi-agency, community-led approach leverages the number and quality of available services and provides a platform to
develop and implement innovative strategies that improve the likelihood of success for individuals we serve and increase public safety.
With the increase of the in-reach staff from 13 to 18 in FY17, DCS experienced broader coverage in correctional facilities statewide,
as well as increases in participant orientations, completed case plans, and overall in-reach contacts. Community coordination and
faith and justice initiatives saw growth in local and state collaborations.
2017 Annual Report