Day Reporting Centers (DRCs) are one of the core
services we offer. DRCs provide a non-residential prison
diversion program targeted at “high risk/high need”
offenders with a history of substance abuse and non-
DCS refers offenders requiring residential
compliant behavior. Located in 15 sites throughout
substance abuse treatment to centers operated
Georgia, DRCs address the root problem of substance
by the Georgia Department of Corrections.
abuse, rather than the non-violent crimes that result
Specialized integrated treatment programs
from addiction.
are available for offenders with concurrent
Offenders placed in DRCs complete an intensive, highly-
substance abuse and mental health needs.
structured, non-residential addiction recovery program
For offenders who do not require or have
lasting six months or more. In addition to substance
completed residential treatment, DCS offers
abuse treatment, DRCs equip offenders with essential
outpatient treatment services, including
training and education, cognitive behavior classes, and
support groups, aftercare services, and
offer opportunities for offenders to build supportive
substance abuse education programs for
social networks and complete community service.
offenders and their families. DCS coordinates
In rural areas of the state which do not have the
with private partners to provide access to
offender population for the full DRC program, DCS
additional services.
offers modified substance abuse programming in Day
Reporting Centers Lite. Like DRCs, DRC Lites deliver
evidence-based, highly structured treatment. DRC Lite
programs are offered in 17 judicial circuits throughout
the state.
DCS and private providers offer offenders
access to cognitive behavior training.
Programs such as Motivation for Change,
Moral Reconation Training, and ProblemSolving Skills help offenders focus on changing
problematic thinking patterns and develop
healthier, more constructive behaviors.