In October 2015, DCS assumed responsibility of the Governor’s Office of Transition, Support and Reentry (GOTSR). This transition helps maximize
operational resources available for GOTSR as it continues working to ensure successful implementation of reentry initiatives throughout the state,
and it also improves the ease of access to reentry resources for offenders under DCS supervision.
HB 310 designated the DCS Board to provide oversight to private and governmental misdemeanor probation entities. While the supervision
responsibility of misdemeanor probation cases does not reside with DCS, we do provide the oversight infrastructure needed to ensure the integrity
of Georgia’s misdemeanor probation system. With the DCS Board and the Board’s Advisory Council now in place, our focus has shifted to the
development of business processes and quality assurance tools. As a critical next step, we have established a Misdemeanor Probation Oversight
Unit within DCS, charged with implementing the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Community Supervision. Additionally, the
unit will develop processes for the registration and compliance of misdemeanor probation providers across the state of Georgia. We are currently
working in concert with both private and governmental misdemeanor probation providers to ensure the existence of a transparent system that
adheres to the intent of the law.
On July 1, 2016, the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) will transition components of their Division of Community Supervision and associated
supporting personnel to DCS and DCS will begin providing supervision services for select Class A and Class B designated juvenile felony offenders.