DCN October 2016 | Page 18

page tag green IT NO LIMIT Gary Watson of Nexsan explores how IT professionals can save power and costs through the use of green IT, without limiting performance. W hether it’s climate change or fuel bills, we are increasingly becoming more energy aware and energy conscious. The public pushes for ecological conservation and rewards organisations that put forth their own conservation efforts. Unfortunately, the storage industry is behind the curve. IT professionals continue to buy and deploy wasteful storage systems. It appears that energy efficiency is rarely taken into consideration. Yet, over the span of one year, a typical 42TB storage solution pushes 8.9 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is one of the greenhouse gases, which trap heat from the sun in our atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Not matter how many TBs you use, switching to an energy efficient storage system, could reduce this number and the impact of your storage on the environment. And it’s not just about CO2 either because even if an organisation isn’t worried about reducing its CO2 levels, all businesses should be concerned with the increasing cost of fuel. Inefficient storage uses more power and power costs money. So, if storage is inefficient, it won’t be rising sea levels that concern you first, it will be those rising energy bills. Then there’s the third issue – space. Inefficient storage usage means more racks taking up more space, space that costs money to consume. This is a problem which will continue to grow as we accrue more and more data. So, why doesn’t every IT professional deploy a greener more efficient solution? The answer is simple: they’re afraid that energy efficiency will limit performance. Whilst, in the past, concerns that reduced power meant reduced performance might have been valid, that no longer has to be the case. By considering the efficiency of both the storage and how you use it, you can save the environment, money and space. In storage, the common sources of energy waste are inefficient IT infrastructure from smallest to largest. ENCLOSURES POWER DISTRIBUTION CLIMATE CONTROL