Liquid Lunch
Get up to speed on the benefits of liquid cooling with the help of Timothy Arnold,
colo technology director at Six Degrees Group.
t’s not that long ago the names
Tesla and Leaf would have
meant absolutely nothing to
most people. Although it was
acknowledged the major car
manufacturers had been looking
at electric car technology for years,
there was also a belief they had no
real incentive to introduce it.
In the end, it took the success
of the hybrid Toyota Prius and the
arrival of Tesla to shake them out
24 | August 2017
of their torpor. And yet, electric
cars are nothing new. In the early
part of the 20th century, electric
cars outsold all other types of cars
in the US, reaching their sales apex
in 1912. Back in the 21st century,
Tesla grabbed the headlines and
the limelight, while Nissan set
about grabbing sales with the more
budget-friendly Leaf, introduced
in 2010, which has now sold over
250,000 units worldwide.
Overcoming inertia
The significant story here is that
while many car makers recognised
the problems mounting over petrol
and diesel powered cars, such as
the price of fuel, the decline in oil
reserves and the environmental
damage caused by increasing car
use, Nissan and Tesla were the
first to offer a practical solution to
those issues. It may have appeared
an outlandish prospect at first,