DCISFF_2020program_web | Page 28

SUNdAY , OCTOBER 11 , 2 pm
Deep Blue Sarah Gignac , Nova Scotia , 3m The music playing on a staticy radio inspires a woman in the midst of domestic duties to day dream . Deep Blue was hand drawn , painted , and animated .
Exercises for Being Close to You ( A Story for the Arctic Refuge ) Krista Davis , Yukon , 16m In this experimental documentary a group of hikers travel through Alaska ’ s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in hopes of intercepting the Porcupine Caribou migration . The film uses documentary footage of the two-week expedition intercut with experimental vignettes — exercises to rethink our relationship to the land and animals we hope to protect .
Better than Neil Armstrong Alireza Ghasemi , Iran , Islamic Republic of , 20m Four kids start their journey to the moon with the mission of finding a mysterious place called The Redland but the gates of Redland are being guarded by a mischievous snake .