DCISFF_2020program_web | Page 15

sunDAY , OCTOBER 4 , 7:30 pm
Congress Kyath Battie , Saskatchewan , 4m Mediated under flight and wing , possible collective memories are represented through a prism of vast tundra landscapes , a wrecked 19th century paddleboat , and ancient lichen fields . Time , place and history become nostalgic remnants from the Yukon Territory , with a final conclusion on common ground .
Why Are our Mouths Open Saskia Blagaj-Berger , Yukon , 2m Why indeed ?
Katalog Of Flaws Marv Newland , BC , 12m KATALOG OF FLAWS is a fever dream . There are many false endings , keep watching .
A Picnic In Guggieville Annie Kierans , 2019 , YT , 10m The hoity-toity Guggenheim clan enjoy a picnic in Guggieville – once the setting of their profitable gold-dredging operation .