wednesDAY , OCTOBER 7 , 9pm
Dar ( k ) win Project Loris Lamunière , Charles Mercier , France , 14m In a distant imaginary future , life underwater has been completely replaced by a new generation of species , made of plastic .
cry-o-sphere : slo dance with thaw nina vroeman , Yukon , 2m The cry-o-sphere is what we call ice on earth . The drama of this frozen body of water . strategy for seasonal effective disorder / eco-anxiety Materials : Tray of Frozen Water + SAD lamp
DawSin City
Jay Armitage , Yukonexer , 15m Come on a tour of DawSin City during the dark nights of autumn , 1902 . Meet some of the characters that you won ’ t read about in the history books as they find ways to survive in a harsh and unforgiving place . Based on a true story !”
October 8 – December 10 , 2020
Receptions : Thursday , October 8th , 5 - 7pm & Friday , October 9th , 7 - 10pm
Kenojuak Ashevak , Owl ’ s Consort , 2012 , 77.7x122cm Ink , coloured pencil on paper