DCIS Newsletter July 2017 | Page 7

DCIS Music Proms 2017 A beautiful evening of music, showcasing the incredible talent and musical dedication in our school The 2017 DCIS Music Proms were held last Thursday evening at different locations throughout the school campus to highlight the solo music students of the DCIS Music Tuition Programme. The main objective of the evening was to enable each performer to gain stage confidence by performing four times at one of the locations, while different sets of audiences rotated through them. The opening ceremony of the Proms began with the DCIS Chamber Ensemble performing the first movement of ‘Bach’s Concerto in D minor’. This was followed by the Choir singing ‘Rule Britannia’ and Singing Voices, who sang a Disney medley to guide the parents into the promenade procession. Over 100 students showcased their developing talents on instruments such as saxophone, flute, guitar, voice, piano, keyboard, cello and violin, under an array of lights in the Cooper Hall, Main Music Room, Primary Lobby and the Academy. The DCIS Music Department would like to acknowledge and thank the following peripatetic teachers who have helped prepare our students for this event: Dr Wang, Mr Sum, Mr Daniel, Mr Foster, Mr Z’Berg, Mr Layman and Mr Fung. Patrick Dwyer Head of Music DCT V Year in Review Highlights of the student-produced news programme, The Papers Our Media students have created a special “Year in Review” video for you to enjoy the highlights of their news programme, The Papers. Secondary students created The Papers in term three of this year to share current events from all around the world. They record, edit and present The Papers themselves and release on a fortnightly basis, through their Youtube channel. Next year, they plan to extend The Papers, to include a “subject segment”, linking in with all of the secondary specialist subjects, e.g. world business news, the weather (Geography), Science and much more. We also can’t wait to share a special interview with former president Obama’s speech writer. Please subscribe to our channel at http://bit.ly/subscribeDCTV 7