Yuva Sangha
The purpose of the Yuva Shakti is the development of the personality
in order to make it much more complete, so that such developed individuals
will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as shining ideals
for others to emulate and derive inspiration.
They should also know
• The heritage and great cultural traditions of India
• Indian classical music and the ability to play at least one instrument
• Classical dance and drama
• The great historical personalities of India
• The social, political and economic climate and current affairs
• The ability to speak and understand Hindi and English
The Yuva Shakti is one
Its members should not claim affiliation or special attachment to any
centre, city, state or country.
Wherever they may go in the world, they should always volunteer their
services to the collective.
Yuva Shakti members have to be polite and respectful to senior Sahaja
Yogis. Their hallmark should be the madhurya or sweetness.
Boys and girls of the Yuva Shakti should not neglect their studies in the
name of Sahaja Yoga work.
Self-respect and self-esteem of Yuva Shakti members has to be maintained.
Nothing precludes the use of common sense.
based on notes taken during a 1987 conversation with Shri Mataji