DCB GALLERY Spontaneity | Page 4

Spontaneity Sahaja doesn’t mean only that you get spontaneous Realization. It also means you get spontaneity. The whole nature gets spontaneity. All those subtle things that I have told you, they all get spontaneous and they work it out. Of course, there are angels and there are ganas who are helping you. But you need not worry about them just now. The main thing is you must realize what you are, what you have got and how much you have faced it, how you have got it and how it has worked out. I have seen every time I just have a little problem of something, immediately it works. It works in such quarters and such people that I never expected. It just comes in. Everything works out. But whatever works out is for your good. It is for your growth, for your understanding that you are a Sahaja Yogi. You have entered into the Kingdom of God, but this you have to develop. Delhi, 16 December 1998 26 What should be the attitude of a Sahaja Yogi towards taking decisions? One should understand it should be a spontaneous decision.... You should have a very spontaneous decision for anything. Now you want to buy, say, a carpet. All right, you go in the shop and immediately you should know which is the one. In every walk of life, you should have a very spontaneous decision, an instant decision. But what I find is the style is very different. They’ll go from shop to shop, then make a list of it, then make all the measurements, then go home and say they will decide it tomorrow. That is not the way a Sahaja Yogi behaves. A Sahaja Yogi has to decide everything absolutely spontaneously at that moment. It should be like this. Now somebody is getting drowned. So the first impulse should be that you have to save them. And how do you save? You jump in the water. Because you are protected, nothing can happen to you. So just jump in the water and you will save the person. Minimum of minimum, this should be your attitude. This should be your temperament, that you take a very spontaneous decision. All this thinking and all kinds of decision-making and having a big conference for decisions is not needed. In the day-to-day life also, you have to be like that. Also in every political life, economic life or any other life that you have to lead, you have to be very spontaneous.