Turn over of 10pcs. Arduino Training Kit during May 3, 2017 Board Meeting.
Arduino is an open-source platform used for
building electronics projects. Arduino consists
of both a physical programmable circuit board
(often referred to as a microcontroller) and a
piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Develop-
ment Environment) that runs on your comput-
er, used to write and upload computer code to
the physical board.
The Arduino platform has become quite
popular with people just starting out with
electronics, and for good reason. Unlike most
previous programmable circuit boards, the
Arduino does not need a separate piece of
hardware (called a programmer) in order to
load new code onto the board – you can sim-
ply use a USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino
IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making
it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino
provides a standard form factor that breaks
out the functions of the micro-controller into
a more accessible package.
e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single
board AVR microcontroller platform based on
highly popular open source Arduino design. It
can be used as well with
AVR’s traditional program-
ming tools. The Gizduino
is a microcontroller board
based on the ATmega328
and ATmega168.
DBTC’s Robotics laboratory
is a facility where students
learn how to study and
understand the principles
behind the design, con-
struction, operation, and
use of robots, as well as
Martin Ong, Oxie Magtibay, Fr. Demetrio Carmona, Tito Francisco, Ed
computer systems for their Roque, Fletcher Von Aquino, Arnel Dimalanta, Gem Gelua
control, sensory feedback,
and information processing. These technologies
are used to develop machines that can substi-
tute for humans. The Arduino or Arduino-com-
patible devices are used to control the various
components of a robot.
The DBMAAI recently donated 10 sets of Ar-
duino Training Kits to the Robotics Laboratory
in support for the school’s drive on upgrading
its facility and provide better teaching equip-
ment to their students.
The first High School Graduates of Don Bosco Mandaluyong had their
reunion last June 1, 2017. The faces would tell how happy they were
to see their childhood friends. Dr. Luisito Francisco gave everyone a
free check-up and visited DBTC Mandaluyong and extend his support to