Welcome and Introduction Charles Gallacher
Hymn - ‘ Come As You Are ’ Come as you are : that ’ s how I want you . Come as you are ; feel quite at home , close to my heart , loved and forgiven . Come as you are : why stand alone ?
No need to fear , love sets no limits ; no need to fear , love never ends ; don ’ t run away shamed and disheartened , rest in my love , trust me again .
Come as you are ; that ’ s how I love you ; come as you are , trust me again . Nothing can change the love that I bear you ; all will be well , just come as you are .
Story of Dawn ’ s Life Charles Gallacher
Eulogy Trina Dakin
Reading Psalm 89 : 1-2 , 15-18 Luke 1 : 46-49
Reflection Prayers for the Family
Prayer Candles ‘ The 23rd psalm ( Dedicated to my mother )’ - Bobby Ferrin