DAVIS Landscape Architecture Brochure 2015 Company Brochure 2016 | Page 4
Residential Communities
We believe design has an important role in the creation of
strong, sustainable communities. The creation of safe spaces
which allow for regular encounters allow local relationships
to develop and help to create a real sense of community.
We are experienced in the design of the
‘Home Zone’ type environments. These
create pedestrian friendly, walkable
neighbourhoods which make door step
play for children a real possibility.
The considered design of communal
parks and play areas, vehicular and
pedestrian networks and defensible
private space all help to create a
pleasant, functioning community.
We fully understand the functional
requirements of residential communities.
We design landscape space so the
requirements of various service
and delivery vehicles are integrated
seamlessly into our final proposal.
Where appropriate we would encourage
our clients to adopt the ‘Shared Space’
concept, where vehicles and pedestrians
share the same paved surface. This,
in conjunction with other traffic calming
techniques can help to create safe,
visually pleasing communities.
Star Lane, Great Wakering Masterplan
Silver Works, Collindale Masterplan
Oxford Greyhound Masterplan
Landscape Architecture