David Howe - A5 | Page 2

A Word from David Howe
2020 has been full of surprise that no one , not a single person , has ever asked for . We experienced our fair share of world-shifting events .
From the bushfires raging across Australia , the floods , racial tensions over police brutality and then the world had to deal with the worst pandemic in recent history .
Dow Jones industrial average suffered its worst single-day point drop ever on March 9 , Joe Biden won the Presidential election on November 7 and Zoom meetings are being conducted in most form of business .
What we have been hearing all the bad things that has happened as it sells in the media .
What about the good things happened in 2020 . Here are just some of them for us to reflect on .
• With unprecedented speed and common purpose , cooperating across the world to decode the virus and then discover and manufacture vaccines that can prevent the disease .
• We are reconnecting with friends , relatives , colleagues across great distances through Zoom calls and Facetime video chat .
• With United States set to rejoin the Paris agreement , and China pledging to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 , momentum grew for the global community to take its climate emergency seriously .
• Spending more time and engaging with family . Parents saw more of their kids and appreciating their abilities as stay home teacher .
• Learning to be more patient and understanding of others surrounding oneself .
Let ’ s not relive in the past but learn from it and look towards the future and this will set us up for a great 2021 .
• Appreciating the selfless dedication of nurses , orderlies , doctors and health workers who risked their lives to save ours , including truck drivers , grocery stockers , farm workers and so many more who risked their lives to keep the economy from collapsing .
• Social distancing have made us realize the meaning and connection with young or mature children , older relatives and friends .
dhowe @ dijones . com . au