ISSUE 2 Contents DAUGHTERS OF ZION MAGAZINE Editors corner This issue is power packed with uplifting contents. We have compiled together wonderful topics from devotional reflections to relationships, health and wellness,, parenting, becoming self employed, etc. 05 Daughters of zion; excelling in all things The word “Zion” means the Land of Israel and its capital Jerusalem. It is also referred to as the City of David. Therefore, we can relate it to ourselves as... 07 Devotional lounge Lift up your eyes, behold the heavens the work of God fingers behold the sun guided in its daily march. Go forth at midnight and behold the heavens, consider the stars and the moon look upon these works of God’s... 06 You are worth it! Do you sometimes feel like you are a work in progress? Do you feel the drive to keep improving yourself and then find yourself in a spiral of despair because you just never feel like you measure up? For many people, this is their reality. 10