Daughters of Promise March/April 2015 | Page 15

Thích Nhat Hanh hold our breath. We don’t inherently trust God, so we attempt to labor things out ourselves. Even after we ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, there will arise occasions when we are quenching Him in some way; maybe trying to ignore a prompting, or not taking a path He calls us to because of fears, etc. Or maybe we are “holding our breath”, afraid to trust the Lord with some aspect of our life and we end up panting in exhaustion. In this too we must learn to let go and fully engage, to exhale our praise and inhale relief, oxygen, fresh hope. “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150:6 Asthma is when, “the bronchioles constrict, reducing the size of the airways. This cuts down on the flow of air and makes the respiratory muscles work harder.”1 Sin constricts our ability to breath in Life, making us less sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we seek to justify ourselves. Life becomes harder to bear, harder to handle, it gets harder to breath, and the Holy Spirit is hindered from being able to sustain us. Apnea is when breathing slows, or stops altogether; and for us spiritually, it means we have become apathetic or acclimated to sin. We are no longer in tune to the Holy Spirit, and so we stop breathing, and fall asleep. Some never waking up again. 1 http://www.montana.edu/craigs/How%20Your%20 Lungs%20Work.htm Through conscious and deliberate ‘breathing’ we will soon find that abiding in the Vine becomes second nature; indeed it is, as we have become a new creation, a brand new man engrafted with the nature of Christ. There will certainly arise those trials and road bumps that can throw off our equilibrium, yet just as “coughing and sneezing cause air to be rapidly and violently exhaled from the lungs and airways, removing the offending substance”, so we must be diligent in endeavoring to rapidly and, sometimes violently, remove the offending aspects of our life. The besetting sins, sweep under the rug habits, and loss of eternal focus that keep us from fully entering into the rush of the Holy Spirit. “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” Acts 17:28 The wind is shaking the trees outside my window. In fact it stirs everything it touches; and I want to be like the wind. To leave nothing untouched, to make a difference for the Kingdom everywhere I go, and in everything I do. The people we pass on the street may not know us personally, but may they leave with no doubt that Something unseen is moving us, and them. We can’t do this without Jesus filling all our empty cavities and echoing out again in praise! “The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” Job 33:4 Relax. And just Breathe. | 15