Daughters of Promise July/August 2016 | Page 11

DETOUR INSTRUCTIONS* For you, if you find yourself on an unexpected road. Not everyone will understand your pain, which is why you DON’T LET OTHERS DICTATE YOUR EMOTIONS. They might say you shouldn’t doubt or fear or be angry, but they aren’t you. It’s okay to doubt, fear, or get angry, as long as you TELL GOD EVERYTHING. “I’m angry at You.” “I don’t think You love me.” “I feel abandoned.” God can handle it, and you need to say it. END EVERY PRAYER WITH “THY WILL BE DONE” even if you’re screaming it, sobbing it. You need to say that, too. BE ALERT TO OVERINDULGENCES, the repeated behaviors you sink into to block out your pain. A numb heart can’t heal. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, so someone else doesn’t have to. Your emotions need sleep and nourishing food as much as your body does. If you need it, ASK FOR HELP. (It’s hard to ask.) PRAISE GOD FOR THE DESERT FLOWERS, the tiny signs of His grace. FIND A CONFIDANTE WITH WHOM YOU CAN SHARE YOUR PAIN. If you talk to everyone about your story, try silence sometimes. If you talk to no one, try sharing your story. IDENTIFY WHAT HELPS YOU PROCESS YOUR PAIN. Writing, nature walks, friends, or music might soften the ache. Prescribe whatever soul medicine works for you, but don’t overdose on it. YOU CAN’T CONTROL YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, SO SEEK OUT THE ONE WHO CAN (AND WILL). Saturate yourself in God’s Word, but don’t expect to see immediate spiritual growth. The growth often comes later, with the healing. LOOK FOR OTHERS ON THEIR OWN DETOURS AND ENCOURAGE THEM. You will encourage yourself. GOD MAY NEVER TELL YOU WHY, BUT HE WILL SHOW YOU HOW. Don’t try to hide your pain, your questions. BE PATIENT. God’s timing isn’t yours, but it’s as good as He is. Yes, He is good. You may not see it now, you may doubt it, but HE IS BOUNDLESSLY GOOD AND FULL OF GRACE. Grace is yours for the asking. ASK. SEEK. FIND HIS GOODNESS, FULL OF GRACE. Find Him on your detour, and YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE. YOUR DETOUR BELONGS ONLY TO YOU. * Taken from my experience. Yours will be different, but our God is the same. May He go with you. 10