You will lack
here in this
place of
God, and
Let’s look at ourselves through God’s eyes. Let’s see today like He does.
Meet those hard moments with a thankful heart, “God, I thank You for what You
want to teach me through this…” Not only will you find your heart more at rest,
you will notice the sun shines brighter.
Your baby’s giggle is contagious. A tea party on the porch is too much fun to
miss. These times are not ones of lost careers and other important things, but of
finding for the first time how beautiful life really is.
You have traded the temporal for the eternal.
You will be shattered.
You will have hard days.
Your children will see you cry.
You will need tissues and burp cloths and diapers,
pacifiers and cardboard books and moments alone in the bathroom (just for
those two seconds of solitude). Those long hours of uninterrupted reading or
journaling will give way to snack time and legos, to teaching simple addition
and coloring inside the lines. But instead of resenting their ever-presentness,
celebrate the opportunities that these little people create.
Like James says so well,
“Count these moments of testing as opportunities for joy.
For you know that after you have chosen to walk through it with
a joyful heart, God will work unwavering faith deep in you. And
as God perfects it in you, through these days of sacrifice, you
will be made perfect and complete.”
You will lack nothing, here in this place of agreeing with God; of embracing
Pull your little ones close, smell their hair and feel the
warmth of their skin. Catch the sparkle in their eyes.
Laugh deep and hard with them.
Look up and smile. God has sent these beautiful little
teachers into your life. Grasp their small hands, and
dance to the beat in your heart.
Can’t you hear it, that heavenly song?
The birds, the wind and the glittering creek,
and you and your children together join in that beautiful
melody of God’s kingdom here on earth.
It is the most beautiful place to be. |
Melissa Troyer is
a freelance writer, busy
mother of three delightful
children, and wife to the
man of