DATUM Mar. 2014 | Page 29

Datum 2014 of these electrons can then be controlled using lasers or INTERESTING FACTS electric fields. SUPERCONDUCTING CIRCUITS: Superconducting circuits are simply electrical circuits which are made of superconducting material. Superconducting circuits can form qubits by the flow of current. The current can be made to flow 1. in both directions at once (simultaneously) in the quantum now sells more e-books than printed books. state of superposition.The advantage is that they use mil- 2. lions of electrons instead of controlling individual particles. bolics.com. Superconducting circuits have to work at extremely low tem- 3. peratures. Web” in 1990. 4. Amazon, originally a printed book seller company, The first domain name ever registered was SymTim Berners-Lee coined the phrase “World Wide U.S. President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in January QUANTOM GATES:We have seen the enormous superiority 1997 was the first to be webcast. that qubits have over bits. This means nothing though, if we 5. don't have a way of manipulating the information in qubits. To tricity per year, more than most countries. However, manipulate information in a qubit, quantum gates are used. google generates a lot of their own power with their Google uses an estimated 15 billion kWh of elec- solar panels. 6. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft was a college drop out. 7. Bill Gates house was designed Using a Macintosh computer. 8. About 1.8 billion people connect to the Internet, only 450 million of them speak English. 9. In 2012, approximately 17 billion devices (which includes computers, tablets and mobile) connected to the Internet. 10. Sweden has the highest percentage of internet How quantum gates work: A quantum gate works similar to users, they are 75%. a classical logic gate. Classical logic gates take bits as input; 11. evaluate and process the input and produce new bits as out- fore the World Wide Web came? put. In the example below (refer to diagram CLG), the logic 12. gate takes in 0101 as input, which goes through the gate and istration was free. an output of 10 is produced. 13. Did you know that Email was already around beUp until the 14th of September, 1995, domain regOne of the world’s leading computer and comput- er peripheral manufacturer Hewlett Packard was first Reversibility: Another property of quantum gates it that started in a garage at Palo Alto in the year 1939. they are reversible unlike many classical logic gates. This 14. means that the outputs can be converted back into the origi- about 5 million terabytes of data (1TB = 1,000GB), and nal input. Why is it necessary? In order to preserve the quan- claims it has only indexed a paltry 0.04% of it all! You tum state. In order for the gates to be reversible, the number could fit the whole Internet on just 200 million Blu-Ray of outputs must be the same as the numbe ȁ