DATUM Mar. 2014 | страница 3

Cloud Storage Adoption 3 Amazon Primeair 4 5 6 Ballast Bulb 7 Ubiquitous Computing 8 Strangers can mail you with Gmail’s new update 8 Instagram launches direct messaging feature 9 10 Copycat russian android prepares to do the spacewalk 16 Crunch time as comet ison hurtles towards the sun 16 Internet thieves are now targeting Indians 17 Galaxy S5 Preview 18 Cluster Computing 19 10 Awesome inventions you have never heard about 20 Quantum Computers 24 User interface design 28 Impact of Computer Technology in Indian Society I Biz Stone’s Jelly App Five technologies that will change the future of gaming agazine Articles 2 Lifi Light Fidelity M Neptune Pine Driverless Cars CONTENTS 1 32